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Master of Applied Linguistics (MAPL) - MAppLing

CRICOS code (International applicants): 021018E

This program is offered only to continuing students. No new admissions will be accepted. Students who are interested in this study area should consider the Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) .

Start:No new admissionsNo new admissions
Campus:Toowoomba -
Fees:Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:1 year full-time, 5 years part-time on-campus, up to five years part-time online education, up to five years part-time online education 
Program articulation:

From: Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics


From 2013, the Commonwealth Government will only support students in Masters programs who are studying one of the following three specialisations: Special Education TESOL Early Childhood. The Commonwealth Government will no longer provide any support for students who will be enrolled in Post Graduate Certificate programs. Those students who enrolled prior to 2013 with a Commonwealth Government Supported Place will be permitted to teach out their current program with Commonwealth Government Support.
This program does not qualify students for teacher registration with relevant teaching authorities. To qualify for teacher registration in Queensland please refer to the Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching .
On successful completion of the Master of Applied Linguistics , students may be eligible for entry into the Doctor of Education, provided necessary entry requirements are met.

*All modes of study are supported with the UniSQ StudyDesk. It is possible to complete the program via a combination of delivery modes.
#Should enrolments not reach the minimum number required for on-campus study, students may be transferred to the Online offering and advised of this change before semester commences.

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Contact us

Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Program objectives

On successful completion of the Master of Applied Linguistics, graduates should be able to:

  • critically reflect on language related issues and analyse their implications

  • integrate knowledge and assess outcomes as a strategic facilitator in second language contexts

  • expand communication management and multi-literacy skills assisted by technology in relevant discourse communities

  • demonstrate enhanced competence in academic and scholarly writing

  • use analytical skills in a specialised field of Applied Linguistics.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

Applicants must have completed a bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised institution.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, external or online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Master of Applied Linguistics is an 8-unit program. A minimum of 50% of the program (4 units) must comprise courses at level 8. The program is offered in two strands: Community and Teaching. Both strands have a research pathway. The teaching strand also has a wholly coursework pathway.

The Community strand embeds a research pathway and coursework, as shown in the following Table.

Required Applied Linguistics courses   LIN5000 , EDR8005, LIN8015  3 units 
Required Research courses:  EDR8000 , EDR8061  3 units 
Optional Research courses:   EDR8060 or EDR8001   1 unit 
Optional postgraduate discipline course   See note 1  1 unit 

Note 1 Discipline courses may be drawn from the Master of Education (8 units) or from other . Contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts to confirm suitability.

TheTeaching Strand embeds a research or coursework pathway, as shown in the following Table.

  Research  Coursework 
Required Applied Linguistics courses  LIN5000 , LIN8001, LIN8002  3 units  LIN5000 , LIN8001, LIN8002  3 units 
Applied Linguistics discipline courses  LIN8003 , EDR8005, LIN8006, LIN8007, LIN8019  2 units  LIN8003 , EDR8005, LIN8006, LIN8007, LIN8019  4 units 
Required Research courses  EDR8061 , EDR8000 or EDU5713  3 units     
Optional postgraduate discipline course      See note 1  1 unit 

Note 1 Discipline courses may be drawn from the Master of Education (8 units) or from other . Contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts to confirm suitability.

In some countries, completion of a research stream is a requirement for recognition of the Master's qualification. Those students in particular from Canada and the Middle East, or those intending to live and work there, should check registration requirements with the relevant authority in-country around the half-way point of the Master's program. This will allow time for students to complete their program via the research pathway if the need to do so is indicated.

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Program completion requirements

Students are required to follow the recommended enrolment pattern to graduate with a Master of Applied Linguistics. Those who deviate from the recommended enrolment pattern are invited to transfer to the Master of Education (TESOL), a program with a less highly structured enrolment pattern containing all Applied Linguistics courses, or the Master of Learning and Development, a program that accommodates non-education courses.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 5 years to complete this program.

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Electives/Approved courses

Discipline courses will be selected from

Education  Other Disciplines * 
Select from the MED1 Master of Education (8 units)  Select courses from other  
Give priority to courses from the TESOL major: 
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis 
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning 
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language 
LIN8003 Language Program Management 
LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching 
LIN8019 Teaching Languages to Young Learners   


Note: Minimum enrolment numbers apply to all courses. Should enrolments not meet the minimum number required, students may be transferred to a different mode or offering and advised of this change prior to semester start.

*Contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts to confirm suitability.

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IT requirements

Students must have reliable and ready access to email and the Internet. See for more information.

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The Master of Applied Linguistics program articulates from the Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics (PGAL).

The Community Strand embeds the PGAL Community Strand. Articulating PGAL students will study 3 Required Research Courses and one of the Optional Research courses.

The Teaching Strand embeds the PGAL Teaching Strand. Articulating PGAL students will study 3 Required Research Courses and one discipline course to complete their MAPL research pathway or 3-4 Applied Linguistics elective courses and optionally one postgraduate discipline course to complete their MAPL coursework pathway.

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Exit points

The Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguisicts (PGAL) and the Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Development (PGLD) are optional exit points from the Masters with four relevant courses completed.

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The maximum credit granted will be no more than half of the program units (four units). Within this limit, credit will be granted for relevant studies successfully completed at postgraduate level in the last five years and may be considered for studies successfully completed in the last 10 years. Students who have completed the Postgraduate Certificate programs listed in the Articulation section above, will receive full credit if they study the same specialisation in this program. Students intending to apply for credit should follow the . Within the framework of those regulations, the following points should be given particular consideration:

  • Transfer of credit from other incomplete UniSQ award programs may be permitted where there is similar or appropriate content.

  • Normally an accredited Certificate in TESOL (e.g. the Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - CELTA) attracts 1 unit of credit and a Diploma in TESOL 2 units of credit.

  • completed and assessed professional development modules based on PGAL course materials will attract credit into the program.

Students should seek advice from the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts before applying for credit.

Students who have completed LIN5000 The Nature of Language or LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning or LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language as part of an undergraduate program in the past 5 years are exempt from repeating the course but must complete Applied Linguistics discipline courses to gain 8-units for the award.

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Other information

Assessment of the courses will involve one or more of the following components: written assignments, take-home examinations, reflective journal keeping, seminar presentation (where appropriate), report writing, development of work courses, questionnaires, marking schemes, etc. as appropriate to each course.

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Students may commence this Program in semesters one, two or three. External students may choose to study part-time or full-time, or a combination of both at different stages of their program. On-campus commencement is restricted to semesters one and two. International on-campus students must be enrolled full-time.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Community strand - Recommended enrolment pattern

Graduates will have a clear sense of strategic direction for identifying linguistic differences in communities and assisting in the management of this diversity.

It is recommended that

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements


     LIN5000 The Nature of Language1,211,2
     EDR8005 Discourse Analysis11,2
     LIN8015 22,3
     EDR8000 1,2,31,2,3
     EDR8061 Master of Education Project1,21,2,3Pre-requisite: EDR8801 and EDR8802

Select a minimum of one unit

     EDR8060 1,21,2,3
     EDR8001 21,2,3

Select a maximum of one discipline unit from the table of discipline courses

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Teaching strand - Recommended enrolment pattern

Graduates will be competent in key areas for second language teaching in a range of contexts. This Strand enhances each student's capacity for open, critical reflective thinking about second language teaching practice by critically analysing relevant professional issues affecting current educational practices in the area of second language teaching and policy development.

It is recommended that

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Coursework pathway


LIN5000 The Nature of Language1111,2
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning11,21
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language1,212

Select minimum of 4 courses

LIN8003 Language Program Management2
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis11,2
LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching11,2
LIN8007 21,3
LIN8015 22,3
LIN8017 Bilingualism and Bilingual Education11

Select a maximum of one discipline unit from the table of discipline Courses

To best position yourself for later PhD studies, the Research pathway is recommended

Research pathway


LIN5000 The Nature of Language11,211,2
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning11,21
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language1,212

Select minimum of two courses from

LIN8003 Language Program Management2
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis11,2
LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching11,2
LIN8007 21,3
LIN8015 22,3
LIN8017 Bilingualism and Bilingual Education11

Research course:

EDR8000 1,2,311,2,3

Required project work

EDR8061 Master of Education Project1,21,2,3Pre-requisite: EDR8801 and EDR8802


On campus offers are contingent upon sufficient enrolments. Subject to International Student visa requirements, alternative modes of EXT or WEB may be substituted.