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Master of Education (8 units) (MED1) - MEd

CRICOS code (International applicants): 042226A

This program is offered only to continuing students. No new admissions will be accepted. Students who are interested in this study area should consider the Master of Education (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)) or Master of Education (Full Fee Paying (FFP)) .

Start:No new admissionsNo new admissions
Campus:Toowoomba -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:1 year full-time, up to 4 years part-time 
Program articulation:

From: ; Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics ; Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Development ;


For students commencing in 2013, Commonwealth Supported places are only available to students majoring in TESOL and Special Education. For other areas please refer to MED3 Master of Education (8 Units).
Full articulation is only available when there are no undergraduate courses completed as part of the Postgraduate Certificate

*Not all courses are available in every mode in every semester or year. Students are advised to check the course and mode offer listings for each semester/year.
#Only the research (EDR) and the linguistics (LIN) courses run On-campus
+On-campus offers may be converted to Online offers if there are insufficient numbers in the On-campus enrolment. Students may prefer to select other On-campus courses, subject to availability.

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Contact us

Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

This program does not qualify its graduates for teacher registration with relevant teaching authorities. If the student is interested in a program that enables him/her to qualify for teacher registration, please refer to the Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching.

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Program aims

The Master of Education aims to develop in its graduates the capabilities and dispositions to work as engaged professional educators in knowledge-building communities.

Traditional approaches to education have sometimes resulted in educators having limited opportunities for professional interaction with colleagues. In such circumstances, where educators work alone with a group of learners, they may develop a form of “privatised practice” which isolates them from the wider professional community. There is mounting evidence that educators can be more effective when they view their work as a collaborative effort in which they interact with other educators within and beyond their workplace and adopt stances that may be described as “engaged professionalism”.

New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer enhanced opportunities for professional engagement and will be an important tool for educators in the twenty-first century. The Master of Education program will model the use of ICTs to support professional interaction and learning.

The Master of Education program thus aims to develop in its graduates the capabilities and dispositions to work as engaged professional educators in contemporary knowledge building communities.

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Program objectives

Students who successfully complete the Master of Education should have advanced knowledge and understanding of key issues and trends within contemporary education and/or of a specialised area of education. Graduates should be able to demonstrate capabilities and dispositions for:

  • locating and accessing knowledge of relevant theory and practice;

  • critically evaluating and building knowledge;

  • interpreting and applying knowledge to the solution of significant problems;

  • planning and executing successful independent projects to build and/or apply knowledge;

  • effectively communicating knowledge; and

  • identifying and participating in relevant communities of practice.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

The requirements described in this section are generic requirements for entry to the Master of Education program. Some majors (also referred to as 'specialisations') may have additional specific requirements.

The majority of courses in the Master of Education program are offered entirely through the World Wide Web and have specific requirements for frequent and ongoing Internet access. All courses include Internet access as an important, or essential, component. Intending applicants should ensure that they have the necessary computer and Internet access before applying. Further information is provided in the IT requirements section below, in sections related to specified majors and in specifications of individual courses.

Normal Entry

The normal requirement for entry to the Master of Education program is a four-year bachelor degree in education, or a three-year bachelor degree plus one year of graduate study in education.

Alternative entry is also available to students with a three-year bachelor degree and at least one year of relevant work experience.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, external or online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program completion requirements

To be awarded a Master of Education degree, a student must have completed eight approved education-related units at postgraduate level, of which at least four must be at level 8.

UniSQ course codes consist of 3 alpha characters indicating the area of study and four numerals of which the first represents the level of difficulty of the course. Level 5 indicates first level postgraduate courses. Level 8 courses can be expected to require more extensive work with theory and conceptualisation and to place more demands on the level of response in student work.

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Program structure

The program consists of 8 units of postgraduate study. Two specialisations are available to students, TESOL or Special Education (for other areas please refer to MED3 .

The coursework pathway centres on the completion of a specified major (specialisation), involving either five units of related courses. Depending upon the requirements of specified majors, students may select one or two discipline courses. These discipline courses will normally be chosen from the education list of available postgraduate courses.

  • Some courses have pre-requisites. Students should check the course specifications in the process of planning the order of their study patterns.

  • Some courses have assessment work that can be completed only if the student has access to an appropriate workplace, for example: TAFE, schools, pre-school settings, or other education or training environments. Students without access to an appropriate workplace would be unable to complete the requirements for these courses.

  • In Queensland, students who will come into contact with children under the age of 18 in the course of their studies will require a current Blue Card or Exemption Card indicating suitability for working with children. Further information is available from the website.

Opportunity to focus on a specialised area of study

The Master of Education program allows for the preparation of graduates with advanced knowledge in a particular area of education and enhanced capabilities for extending their own professional learning. A student who focusses their studies by completing one of the majors (according to the enrolment sequences described below) will have the area of specialisation noted on the testamur MEd (TESOL) or MEd (Special Education). For other areas please refer to MED3

Education Postgraduate Discipline Courses* 
  Projected Semester Offers 
  On-campus  Online 
EDR8000   2,3  1,2,3 
EDR8001   1,2,3 
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis  1,2 
EDU5321 Educating Students with Special Needs    1,3 
EDU5325 Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention, Protection and Prevention    1,3 
EDU5335 Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Adolescents   
EDU5601 Designing for Flexible Learning Environments^   
EDU5713   1,3 
EDU5760     1,2 
EDU8314     1,3 
EDU8317 Individual Assessment and Testing   
EDU8319 Marketing Your Educational Organisation   
EDU8324 Learning Difficulties: Reading   
EDU8326 Learning Difficulties: Mathematics   
EDU8328 Consultation and Communication: Theory and Practice    2,3 
EDU8331 Career Development in Educational Settings   
EDU8332 Introduction to Counselling in Educational Contexts   
EDU8333 Advanced Counselling in Educational Contexts   
EDU8338 Autism   
EDU8606 Lifelong Career Development   
EDU8705 Personal Pedagogy in Context^   
EDU8719 Contemporary Issues Conference   
LAW8710 Australian Law for Educators   
LIN5000 The Nature of Language  1,2  1,2 
LIN8003 Language Program Management   
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning  1,2 
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language 
LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching  1,2 
LIN8007     1,3 
LIN8015   2,3 
LIN8019 Teaching Languages to Young Learners   

*Students should note that not all discipline courses are available every year. When planning their enrolment patterns, students should refer to that year's schedule of course offers.
^This course is offered in odd-numbered years.
This course is offered in even-numbered years.

There are numerous ways in which a student might select their discipline courses in order to create a focus for their studies. Examples of just six of the many possible focus areas and associated clusters of courses include the following:

For an Early Childhood focus choose from:

For an Educational Technology focus choose from:

  • EDU5112

  • EDU8114

  • EDU8111

  • EDU8117

For an Pedagogy and Culture focus choose from:

  • EDU5703

  • EDU5704 Popular Culture as Curriculum and Pedagogy

For a Curriculum and Pedagogy focus choose from:

  • EDU5705

  • EDU5713

  • EDU8705 Personal Pedagogy in Context ^

^This course is offered in odd-numbered years.

For a Further Education and Training focus choose from:

^This course is offered in odd-numbered years.

For a Contemporary Literacies focus choose from:

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 4 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

Both majors have required courses or sequences of courses. Students are advised to note carefully the enrolment requirements for the major, and to ensure that they plan their enrolment to allow for completion of the major’s requirements.

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Major studies

The purpose of a major is to develop breadth and depth in an area of specialised knowledge. The specialist areas comprising the set of available majors may vary from time to time, but the specified majors to be offered to commencing students in the Master of Education are:

  • Guidance and Counselling

  • Special Education


For other areas please refer to MED3

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Electives/Approved courses

Discipline courses will normally be selected from those listed in the table of Education Postgraduate Discipline Courses.

Education Postgraduate Discipline Courses* 
  Projected Semester Offers 
  On-campus  Online 
EDR8000   2,3  1,2,3 
EDR8001   1,2,3 
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis  1,2 
EDU5321 Educating Students with Special Needs    1,3 
EDU5325 Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention, Protection and Prevention    1,3 
EDU5335 Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Adolescents   
EDU5601 Designing for Flexible Learning Environments^   
EDU5713   1,3 
EDU5760     1,2 
EDU8314     1,3 
EDU8317 Individual Assessment and Testing   
EDU8319 Marketing Your Educational Organisation   
EDU8324 Learning Difficulties: Reading   
EDU8326 Learning Difficulties: Mathematics   
EDU8328 Consultation and Communication: Theory and Practice    2,3 
EDU8331 Career Development in Educational Settings   
EDU8332 Introduction to Counselling in Educational Contexts   
EDU8333 Advanced Counselling in Educational Contexts   
EDU8338 Autism   
EDU8606 Lifelong Career Development   
EDU8705 Personal Pedagogy in Context^   
EDU8719 Contemporary Issues Conference   
LAW8710 Australian Law for Educators   
LIN5000 The Nature of Language  1,2  1,2 
LIN8003 Language Program Management   
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning  1,2 
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language 
LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching  1,2 
LIN8007     1,3 
LIN8015   2,3 
LIN8019 Teaching Languages to Young Learners   

*Students should note that not all discipline courses are available every year. When planning their enrolment patterns, students should refer to that year's schedule of course offers.
^This course is offered in odd-numbered years.
This course is offered in even-numbered years.

Opportunities for Workplace Learning: Supervised Independent Study

Many of the courses in the Master of Education provide opportunities for students to address issues of particular personal interest, by undertaking approved independent work, which may include approved workplace professional development activity. Such projects, approved in advance at the discretion of the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts are covered by enrolment in EDU5760 .

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Refer to MED3.

The research pathway consists of 4 units of study, commencing with EDR8000 and concluding with 3 units of project work in EDR8060 and EDR8061 Master of Education Project.

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IT requirements

Some courses in the Master of Education program are offered entirely online. Courses use email and discussion forums for communication among students and/or staff. All courses expect that work submitted for assessment will be word processed and submitted electronically. Further, a small number of courses require access to specific software. As new courses are introduced and existing courses are revised, it is anticipated that they will make more extensive use of the Internet for communication and access to course materials and other resources. This will apply to courses offered on-campus as well as in other modes.

Although there are no specific computer hardware or software requirements for the Master of Education program in general, it is a clear expectation that students will have ready access to a computer with common productivity software and Internet access. Some courses may require additional software and/or a more capable computer. Information about such requirements is included in the relevant course specifications.

Courses offered online (WEB) do not provide for delivery of printed materials. Students enrolling in such courses must have ongoing convenient and reliable access to the Internet in order to access course materials and participate in activities that will affect participation, learning and assessment. See for more information.

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A student who has completed the requirements of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education, the Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics, the Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Development, or the Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (provided all four units in these awards are at postgraduate level), may articulate directly into the Master of Education.

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Related programs

Students who complete the Master of Education by a coursework pathway may qualify for admission to the Doctor of Education (DEDU).

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Exit points

Students who have completed 4 approved units of postgraduate study in education in the Master of Education program may exit with the award of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

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Credit for courses in the Master of Education may be granted where applicants can demonstrate that they have successfully completed an equivalent postgraduate course or have otherwise achieved the objectives of the relevant course. Credit may be granted on the basis of documented professional development activities or extensive work experience only where it can be demonstrated that through those activities the student has achieved learning outcomes equivalent to those of a relevant postgraduate course. Where a student's program of study includes discipline courses , credit may be granted for one or more discipline course where the student can demonstrate and document clearly successful completion of work of a type and standard equivalent to a discipline course.

Students intending to apply for credit should consult Section 5.5 of the .

Applications for credit will be expected to comply with UniSQ policy and should demonstrate that the objectives of the course for which credit is sought have been achieved. Within the framework of those regulations, the following points should be given particular consideration:

  • the maximum number of units which may be credited in the Master of Education is four

  • students may NOT claim credit for work on which they relied for admission to the Master of Education

  • credit will NOT normally be granted for study completed more than five years prior to submission of the application for credit

  • applications for credit on the basis of study completed prior to entering the Master of Education will NOT normally be accepted beyond the end of the first semester of enrolment in the Master of Education; and

  • credit will NOT normally be granted for work undertaken concurrently with the Master of Education unless the application is submitted and approved before the work is undertaken, with credit subject to the documentation of satisfactory completion of the approved work.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Guidance and Counselling major (Online)

Students seeking employment as a guidance officer in Queensland will usually require a four year degree as a prerequisite to entering this program. You should check the requirements with your prospective employer prior to enrolling

This major prepares teachers for work as a guidance officer, guidance counsellor or school counsellor. Students can prepare themselves for a career in developmental guidance work (Primary), Counselling and Career Work (Secondary) or a combination of both (P-12) through the selection of courses in the enrolment pattern below. The major generally meets the registration criteria for the Queensland Guidance Counselling Association. Students from outside Queensland who are intending to use this major for professional accreditation should consult the relevant registration bodies.

The Guidance and Counselling major can only be completed in 1 year if commenced in semester 1 due to course prerequisites.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

6 specified courses

EDU8332 Introduction to Counselling in Educational Contexts1
EDU8333 Advanced Counselling in Educational Contexts12Pre-requisite: EDU8332
EDU5325 Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention, Protection and Prevention11,3Enrolment is not permitted in EDU5325 if EDU3325 has been previously completed.
EDU5335 Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Adolescents12Enrolment is not permitted in EDU5335 if EDU3335 has been previously completed.
EDU8317 Individual Assessment and Testing11
EDU8328 Consultation and Communication: Theory and Practice2,3

Any 1 of the following 3 courses

EDU5321 Educating Students with Special Needs11,3
EDU5322 13
EDU8331 Career Development in Educational Settings12

Plus 1 discipline course selected from EDU5322 , EDU5321 Educating Students with Special Needs, EDU5713 , EDU8324 Learning Difficulties: Reading, EDU8326 Learning Difficulties: Mathematics, EDU8606 Lifelong Career Development or EDU8338 Autism


Some courses require access to workplaces.
Some courses require residential schools or equivalent on-line activities.

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TESOL major (On-campus Toowoomba and Online)

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

3 specified courses

LIN5000 The Nature of Language11,211,2
LIN8001 Principles of Second Language Learning11,21
LIN8002 Methodology in Teaching a Second Language11,212

Any 2 of the following 3 courses

LIN8006 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching111,2
LIN8015 122,3
EDR8005 Discourse Analysis111,2

Plus 3 discipline courses Selected from the table of Education postgraduate discipline courses (subject to prerequisites and/or other requirements) or other courses approved by the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

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Special education major (Online)

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

5 specified courses

EDU8324 Learning Difficulties: Reading2
EDU8326 Learning Difficulties: Mathematics1
EDU5321 Educating Students with Special Needs11,3
EDU8328 Consultation and Communication: Theory and Practice2,3
EDU5322 11

Plus 3 discipline courses Selected from the table of Education postgraduate discipline courses (subject to prerequisites and/or other requirements) or other courses approved by the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

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Continuing students only - Leading and Managing Educational Organisations major (Online)

For new students please refer to MED3

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

5 specified courses

EDU8311 11
EDU8318 12
EDU8312 11
EDU8314 11,3
EDU5221 12

Plus 3 discipline courses Selected from the table of Education postgraduate discipline courses (subject to prerequisites and/or other requirements) or other courses approved by the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.