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Tertiary Preparation Pathway (ACEQorPREPorTPPG) - TPP

You are currently viewing the 2023 Handbook. For study in 2024, please refer to the .

Start:Block 2 (March)
Block 3 (May)
Block 4 (July)
Block 5 (September)
Block 6 (October)
Block 2 (March)
Block 3 (May)
Block 4 (July)
Block 5 (September)
Block 6 (October)
Campus: Toowoomba, Springfield, Ipswich -
Fees:International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported fee exempt places
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported fee exempt places
Standard duration: 1 to 4 Blocks 


In 2023 the programs follows the Blocks calendar. The Academic Calendar and Important Dates webpage will allow you to view and download a copy of the important dates for the Blocks calendar.
The Tertiary Preparation Pathwayis a non-award program.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Program aims

The Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) is committed to an inclusive and socially-just approach to learning and teaching that aims to broaden access to higher education by recognising and supporting diverse learners on their individual pathways to university study and their life goals. To these ends, the Pathway has two general aims. The first is to provide equitable access to tertiary studies. The second is to assist our students to succeed in undergraduate study. Both general aims are served through achievement of the more specific Pathway aims of developing confident, critical, curious, and reflective learners capable of success in undergraduate programs.

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Program objectives


Students who have completed the courses required for entry to their chosen undergraduate studies will have the knowledge required to gain entry to and succeed at undergraduate level, which may include, depending upon the entry requirements, knowledge relating to:

  • numeracy, academic literacy, digital literacy, and specific disciplinary knowledge;

  • study management strategies;

  • academic conventions;

  • the values and processes underpinning knowledge use and creation at university including those of academic integrity; and

  • culturally diverse learning environments.


Students who have completed the courses required for entry to their chosen undergraduate studies will have the cognitive, technical, and communicative skills required to gain entry to and succeed at undergraduate level, including the abilities to:

  • select, evaluate, and analyse information for a chosen purpose;

  • design, develop, and communicate solutions in response to study tasks;

  • communicate information effectively;

  • participate successfully in academic communities;

  • manage study projects independently.

Application of knowledge and skills:

Students who have completed the courses required for entry to their chosen undergraduate studies will have the confidence and capacity to apply the knowledge and skills required to gain entry to and succeed at undergraduate level, including the confidence and capacities to:

  • select and apply methods and technologies appropriate to study tasks;

  • demonstrate autonomy, judgement, and defined responsibility appropriate to the study context;

  • employ individual, social, and career related capacities appropriate to the undergraduate study context;

  • make informed study and career choices;

  • participate respectfully and productively within a culturally diverse learning environment.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

There is no specified minimum educational achievement entrance standard.

Normally, to be eligible for enrolment in TPP a person will have attained an age of at least 18 years in the year of the proposed enrolment.

Applicants who intend to enrol in a mathematics and/or a Communicating at University course are strongly encouraged to complete Tertiary Preparation Pathway placement tests in Mathematics and Academic Literacy levels. Applicants will then be directed into the most appropriate courses in the TPP. For students who did not complete schooling in Australia these tests are mandatory. Students who do not undertake these tests and who wish to enrol in a Communicating at University and/or a mathematics course will be able to enrol in TPP0111 Communicating at University A and/or TPP0180 Introductory Mathematics during their first block of study.

This program normally requires a minimum of IELTS 5.5. English language proficiency or equivalent through study or employment. In exceptional circumstances, based on results of the TPP Academic Literacy Levels (ALL) placement test, alternative entry approval may be given.

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Program fees

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, external or online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth supported fee exempt places

Domestic students who meet the below citizenship and residency requirements are eligible for a Commonwealth supported fee exempt place:

  • Australian citizens

  • holders of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa (and resident in Australia)

  • New Zealand citizens (resident in Australia).

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Program structure

The Tertiary Preparation Pathway is designed flexibly to support each student to meet the entry requirements for their desired undergraduate degree program. Therefore, there is no single prescribed structure. Each applicant will enrol in the courses they require to satisfy their undergraduate program entry requirements.

It is strongly recommended that all applicants who intend to enrol in TPP0122 Study Management do so during their initial block.

An applicant's eligibility for initial enrolment in a particular TPP mathematics course will be determined from the results of their TPP placement test in mathematics, with the exception of TPP0180 Introductory Mathematics, which a student may enrol in without completing the mathematics placement test. A student’s eligibility to enrol in a TPP mathematics course subsequent to the student’s initial enrolment in a TPP mathematics course will be determined by the highest level TPP mathematics course that the student has successfully completed.

The optional additional courses are:

Students who are directed to enrol in TPP0111 Communicating at University A are required to successfully complete this before they will be enrolled in TPP0123 Communicating at University B.

Students who are directed to enrol in TPP0180 Introductory Mathematics are required to successfully complete this before they will be enrolled in any other TPP mathematics course.

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Program completion requirements

A student has successfully completed the pathway when they have attained the entry requirements for their desired undergraduate degree.

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Required time limits

The TPP is not subject to a maximum length of time to complete.

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IT requirements

Students who enrol in the online mode are required to have reliable and ready access to email and the Internet. For information technology requirements, please see the .

Recommended enrolment pattern

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Recommended enrolment pattern

Program articulation map

Students enrolling in the TPP should seek advice regarding the entry requirement for their desired undergraduate program based upon their individual circumstances. The articulation map which follows provides a guideline for the selection of TPP courses in order to gain entry to and best prepare for each undergraduate program.

To complete TPP, students enrol in and complete the Required Courses for the undergraduate program of their choice. Enrolment in further TPP courses may help students prepare themselves for success in their undergraduate program.:

  1. Required Courses – these must be completed to be eligible to apply for entry into specified undergraduate programs (TPP0111 Communicating at University A may be waived depending on the outcome of academic literacy placement test).

  2. Assumed knowledge (A) and Recommended Study (R) – successful completion of these courses is highly recommended as the skills and knowledge gained through these courses is required for successful completion of undergraduate courses in specified undergraduate programs.

  3. Other electives – other TPP courses (not shown on the table) may provide further valuable knowledge and skills that will increase success in undergraduate study.

Students who successfully complete the TPP courses as specified in the table below will be considered for direct entry into their undergraduate program.
Students who select TPP courses that vary from the table below will be assessed for undergraduate entry based on their performance (GPA) in their selected TPP courses.

Required pre-requisites  Assumed knowledge (A) and
Recommended Study (R)  
UniSQ School responsible for the program 
ABSC Associate Degree of Biomedical Sciences   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
ADBC Associate Degree of Business ..   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)  School of Business 
ADCJ Associate Degree of Criminology and Criminal Justice   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Law and Justice 
ADCN Associate Degree of Construction   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)
TPP0165 Digital Literacy (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Engineering 
ADNG Associate Degree of Engineering   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)  School of Engineering 
AMLS Associate Degree of Medical Laboratory Science   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
ADSS Associate Degree of Surveying   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)
TPP0165 Digital Literacy (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Surveying and Built Environment 
BATM Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Management   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BART Bachelor of Arts   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0145 Introduction to the Humanities (R)  School of Humanities & Communication 
BACB Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business ...   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0145 Introduction to the Humanities (R)
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^(A) 
School of Humanities & Communication 
BALW Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0145 Introduction to the Humanities (R)  School of Humanities and Communication 
BAVN Bachelor of Aviation (All Majors)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^(A)  School of Business 
BBIZ Bachelor of Business (All Majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^ (A)  School of Business 
BBSCorBBMP Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences or Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Medicine Pathway)   TPP0122 Study Management TPP0123 Communicating at University B *  TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
BZSCorBZSP Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (Psychology)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^ (A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Business 
BCIN Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology ... (All Majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R) (Some majors) 
School of Business 
BZLW Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)  School of Business
School of Law of Justice 
BCNM Bachelor of Communication and Media   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0145 Introduction to the Humanities (R)  School of Humanities & Communication 
BCNH Bachelor of Construction (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R)
TPP0165 Digital Literacy (R)
TPP0155 General Science ^(R) 
School of Surveying and Built Environment 
BCAW Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Creative Arts 
BDIT Bachelor of Design and Interactive Technologies   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Creative Arts 
BFSP Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (All majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Creative Arts 
BMUC Bachelor of Music (All majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
Additional entry requirements apply for this degree  School of Creative Arts 
BTHT Bachelor of Theatre (All majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
Additional entry requirements apply for this degree  School of Creative Arts 
BVSA Bachelor of Visual Art (All majors)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
Additional entry requirements apply for this degree  School of Creative Arts 
BEED Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics^
TPP0155 General Science  
  School of Education 
BPED Bachelor of Education (Primary)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics^
TPP0155 General Science  
  School of Education 
BSED Bachelor of Education (Secondary)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics^ 
Choose a TPP Elective based on selected Secondary teaching area(s)  School of Education 
BENH Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)  School of Engineering 
BEBC Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)  School of Engineering 
BENS Bachelor of Engineering Technology   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
  School of Engineering 
BENV Bachelor of Environmental Science   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BGEN Bachelor of General Studies   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  UniSQ College 
BHMS Bachelor of Human Services   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BITC Bachelor of Information Technology (Applied Computer Science)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^ (R)  School of Mathematics, Physics & Computing 
BITC Bachelor of Information Technology (Data Analytics) 
TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R)  School of Mathematics, Physics & Computing 
BITC Bachelor of Information Technology (Information Systems Development)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Mathematics, Physics & Computing 
BITC Bachelor of Information Technology (Information Technology Management)  TPP0122 Study Management TPP0123 Communicating at University B *  None  School of Mathematics, Physics & Computing 
BITC Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking and Security)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^(R)  School of Mathematics, Physics & Computing 
LLBP Bachelor of Laws   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Law and Justice 
BMLS Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
BNSG Bachelor of Nursing   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
BOTH Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0155 General Science
TPP0175 Introduction to Psychology and Counselling 
  School of Health and Wellbeing  
BPSC Bachelor of Paramedicine   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^(A)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Health and Medical Sciences 
BPSH Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
None  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Astronomical and Space Sciences)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)  School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Biology)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Counselling)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Computing)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)  School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing  
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Environment and Sustainability)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R)
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics(R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Food Science)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Information Technology)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
  School of Computing, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Human Physiology)  TPP0122
TPP0123 Communicating at University B*
TPP0182 General Mathematics ^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Mathematics)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
  School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Mathematics and Statistics)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
  School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Physical Sciences)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)
TPP0155 General Science(R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Plant Agricultural Science)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^ (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Psychology)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Wildlife Management)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^(R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSCIorBSCP Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Wine Science)  TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0182 General Mathematics^ 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods ^
TPP0155 General Science (R)
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics(R) 
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing 
BSWK Bachelor of Social Work   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BSPH Bachelor of Surveying (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics (R)
TPP0165 Digital Literacy (R)
TPP0155 General Science (R) 
School of Surveying & Built Environment 
BSST Bachelor of Surveying Technology   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods^ 
TPP0165 Digital Literacy (R)
TPP0155 General Science  
School of Surveying & Built Environment 
SPYH Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B *
TPP0155 General Science 
  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BSES Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^  School of Health and Wellbeing 
BURP Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Honours)   TPP0122 Study Management
TPP0123 Communicating at University B * 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics ^  School of Surveying & Built Environment 

*Students may need to complete TPP0111 Communicating at University A before enrolling in TPP0123 subject to placement testing (Academic Literacy Level Test).
^Students may need to complete pre-requisite mathematics study before enrolling into a mathematics course, subject to placement testing (Mathematics Literacy Level Test). The mathematics courses are normally completed in the following order TPP0180 Introductory Mathematics, TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics, TPP0182 General Mathematics, TPP0183 Mathematical Methods. Students should refer to the required mathematics course for their program to determine their required pre-requisites.

TPP Course Offerings 2023

Course  B1  B2
20 Mar — 5 May 
8 May — 30 June 
10 July — 29 Aug 
4 Sept — 20 Oct 
30 Oct — 15 Dec 
TPP0111 Communicating at University A    Online  Online
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
TPP0122 Study Management    Online  Online
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
TPP0123 Communicating at University B    Online
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
TPP0145 Introduction to the Humanities    Online      Online   
TPP0155 General Science      Online      Online 
TPP0160 Preparatory Physics    Online      Online   
TPP0165 Digital Literacy    Online      Online   
TPP0175 Introduction to Psychology and Counselling      Online      Online 
TPP0180 Introductory Mathematics    Online  Online
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics    Online
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
On Campus_— Ipswich 
On Campus_— Springfield and Toowoomba 
TPP0182 General Mathematics      Online
On Campus- Springfield 
On Campus- Toowoomba 
TPP0183 Mathematical Methods  Online Semester 1  Online Semester 2 

Students studying over two semesters

Example enrolment patterns for completion of the TPP within two (2) blocks are as follows (please note that enrolment patterns are individual and will vary depending upon prior qualifications and knowledge and desired future study. Students should seek advice based upon their individual circumstances) :

Students who are directed to initially enrol in TPP70111 Communicating at University A

First block of enrolment   Second second of enrolment   Special enrolment requirements 
TPP0122 Study Management and TPP0111 Communicating at University A  TPP0123 Communicating at University B   
  One other TPP course as required  Students enrolling in TPP0160 Preparatory Physics must enrol in TPP0182 General Mathematics as a pre or co-requisite. 

Students who are eligible to initially enrol in TPP0123 Communicating at University B

First block of enrolment   Second block of enrolment   Special block requirements 
TPP0122 Study Management and
TPP0123 Communicating at University B 
Two other TPP courses as required  Students enrolling in TPP0160 Preparatory Physics must enrol in TPP0182 General Mathematics as a pre or co-requisite.