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Master of Science (MSCN) - MSc

CRICOS code (International applicants): 078596M

Semester intake:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Campus:Ipswich, Toowoomba -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Residential school:Ipswich (Mandatory) 
Standard duration:2 years full-time, 4 years part-time 
*Please refer to the Program Structure section for further information on mode of offer for each specialisation.
†The Semester 2 intake for the Mathematics and Statistics and Applied Data Science specialisations will be subject to the approval of the Program Coordinator.
@Sport and Exercise specialisation: courses that include a practical skill competency component and residential school will be conducted at the Ipswich campus
#The Agricultural Science specialisation is not available to international on-campus students.
^The Sport and Exercise and Agricultural Science specialisations are not available to international overseas students.

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au 

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

The Applied Data Science specialisation is designed to meet the Australian Computer Society (ACS) accreditation at Professional level (accreditation pending).

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Program aims

The aim of the Master of Science program is to produce graduates who are equipped with essential scientific knowledge and an appreciation of the latest literature and technologies.

Agricultural Science specialisation

The Australian agricultural industry contributes substantially to national GDP, as well, is a significant employer across all states/regions. There is a current demand for graduates with knowledge of contemporary agricultural production approaches, particularly in light of declining national water availability and quality. This specialisation provides graduates with an understanding of both national and global issues associated with agricultural production and sets these in a context of agroecosystem sustainability and broader societal challenges. Graduates from the program will have the capacity to engage across a range of agriculture related disciplines.

Applied Climate Science specialisation

The global climate service industry is estimated to have a significant and growing economic value. In Australia, the need for ‘climate smart’ professionals working within their chosen industry is growing with hundreds of job opportunities in industry and the public sector organisation. This specialisation is designed to provide graduates with the knowledge and decision-making skills to work as ‘climate smart’ professionals in many sectors of economic activity including agriculture, food, water, energy, health, and natural resource management industries.

Applied Data Science specialisation

With the popularity of social media and the wide spread use of the Internet, enormous amount of data of various type are generated at all times. The scattered data are waiting for us to collect and make use of them.

This specialisation is designed to provide an opportunity for graduates from all disciplines to gain advanced skills and knowledge in handling data which are commonly known as Big Data, as well as producing and interpreting data analytics. The aim of this program is to provide students with a career path in the Data Science or an opportunity for advancement in their career.

Astrophysics specialisation

This specialisation is designed to provide an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in astrophysics and develop scientific research skills. The program thus provides professional development in science for those in educational or science communication careers, and a specialist foundation of knowledge and skills for subsequent higher degree research.

Environment and Sustainability specialisation

Modern environment and natural resource management requires the integration of social, environmental and economic research within an interdisciplinary planning and policy framework. It also requires a capacity to handle complexity and uncertainty and the application of different methods of analysis and different approaches to governance and community engagement. This coursework Masters program addresses these needs by providing important core studies and flexibility in choice of elective studies that will enhance their skills and knowledge in the broad discipline of environment and sustainability. Adaptation to climate change and sustainability science are emphasised in global and regional contexts in this specialisation.

Mathematics and Statistics specialisation

This specialisation is designed to provide an opportunity for graduates from other than mathematics and statistics programs to gain advanced skills and knowledge in key areas of mathematics and/or statistics which relate to their career needs and the needs of their profession or industry. The aim of this program is therefore to provide students with a broad advanced education in mathematical and/or statistical techniques and essential problem solving skills which will meet their career needs and assist them in their professional development.

Sport and Exercise specialisation

The Master of Science (Sport and Exercise) specialisation aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop and extend their knowledge and skills relevant to health, fitness and sports performance across the lifespan to an advanced level. Students undertaking the program will usually have qualifications in various related disciplines (although any undergraduate degree is acceptable). The program may be used to meet work or professional requirements, allow for program exemptions, or form part of course requirements in other USQ postgraduate programs. The program is designed to meet personal achievement goals or provide for career opportunities within the health, sports and fitness industry such as sports coaches, personal trainers, sports development officers or a range of other roles. It also provides a pathway for students to enter into postgraduate programs such as a doctorate.

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Program objectives

On completion of the program graduates should be able to:

  • Integrate an advanced understanding of a complex body of expert knowledge in a discipline of science.

  • Apply established research theories and principles associated with scholarship and/or professional practice within a relevant science discipline.

  • Critically analyse, reflect on, and synthesise complex expert information, problems, concepts and theories applicable to a relevant science discipline.

  • Interpret and transmit expert knowledge, skills and ideas, both individually and collaboratively, to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

  • Display autonomy, responsibility, adaptability and ethical practise in decision-making and engage in lifelong learning through critical reflection in a range of professional and cultural contexts.

Specialisation objective:

Program outcome for Applied Data Science specialisation:

  • Explain and critique the effect of historical developments on current ICT societal issues.

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Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single national, comprehensive system of qualifications offered by higher education institutions (including universities), vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the type and complexity of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded that qualification has attained, and the typical volume of learning associated with that qualification type.

This program is at AQF Qualification Level 09. Graduates at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for research, and/or professional practice and/or further learning.

The full set of levels criteria and qualification type descriptors can be found by visiting .

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Completion of an Australian university three year Bachelor degree in any area, or equivalent


    equivalent professional work experience, as determined through the .

  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 3.

As well as the following specialisation-specific requirements:

Master of Science (Applied Data Science)

  • knowledge on ethics of Computing, consistent with that found in .

Applicants are advised to also note the following:

  • Students are responsible for ensuring their introductory knowledge of Computing is at least consistent with that found in .

Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)

  • Knowledge of mathematics at least equivalent to that found in .

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

Specialisation  Offering 
Agricultural Science ^†  Toowoomba     or external depending on chosen approved courses^ 
Applied Climate Science     Online only   
Applied Data Science @  Toowoomba  Online   
Environment and Sustainability     Online only   
Mathematics and Statistics @  Toowoomba  Online    
Astrophysics    Online only   
Sport and Exercise @  Toowoomba or Ipswich    some courses have mandatory residential schools which will be held at the Ipswich campus. 

^Some approved courses for selection have mandatory or highly recommended residential schools and students enrolled externally must be able to attend the residential schools at the specified USQ campus.
†This specialisation is not available to international on-campus or international overseas students.
@This specialisation is available to international on-campus students.

The Master of Science offers 7 specialisations. All specialisations consist of 16 units of courses, of which 8 units must be at Level 8. Some specialisations contain only core courses, where others allow approved courses.

The Master of Science consists of two tracks within each specialisation:

  • Research Training Track: This track consists of 4 of the 16 units providing courses (including capstone experience) on research skills and training: ; ; and

  • Research Project Track: This track consists of 4 of the 16 units providing opportunity for students to undertake independent research in two capstone courses: and . Normally these research project courses are undertaken in the latter stages of candidature. Students must have approval of the Program Coordinator and a Supervisor prior to undertaking this track and is dependent on the availability of supervisors and resources. Students in the Applied Data Science specialisation may elect to replace MSC8001 Research Project I and MSC8002 Research Project II with and . Students must have approval of the Program Coordinator, a Supervisor and industry host prior to undertaking this track and is dependent on the availability of supervisors, industry host and resources.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

Master of Science (Applied Data Science): Students who have completed in their Bachelor’s degree may seek an exemption for , however will still need to undertake eight level 8 courses. Students taking the Research Project Track may take and OR and with the approval of the Program Coordinator.

Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics): The Research Training Track courses for this specialisation are , , , and . Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ). Research project courses will normally be undertaken towards the end of the program. The maximum number of courses other than Mathematics/Statistics courses to be credited must not exceed the number of approved courses (3). At the beginning of their candidature students should submit a proposed enrolment pattern to the Program Coordinator for approval. Within this proposal students should have topics and names of any proposed supervisors for the appropriate Level 8 courses. A maximum of three approved courses at USQ Level 2 or above can be taken from other discipline areas if prior approval has been sought by the student and approved by the Program Coordinator.

Master of Science (Sport and Exercise): students who do not hold a Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise (or similar) with existing ESSA Exercise Scientist accreditation may take an approved course instead of the course. Students who have a Bachelor’s degree in Sport and Exercise (or similar) may seek up to 4 credits/exemptions and one alternate approved course for the undergraduate level courses.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 8 years to complete this program.

Specific specialisations

In this section:

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Agricultural Science specialisation

This specialisation consists of 16 courses (16 units) which are all available externally or online.

Semester 1  Semester 2 
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track:# 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track: 
*  * 

#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .
*Two-unit course.

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Applied Climate Science specialisation

This specialisation consists of 12 courses (16 units) which are all available externally or online, including four approved courses.

Semester 1  Semester 2 
*  * 
Two Approved Specialisation Courses  Two Approved Specialisation Courses 
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track:# 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track: 
*  * 

*Two unit course
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .

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Applied Data Science specialisation

This specialisation consists of 16 courses which are all available on-campus and online.

Semester 1  Semester 2  Either Semester 
and EITHER the following six courses, which comprise the Research Training Track:# 
Approved course x 3      
OR the following four courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track:  
+*  +*   
Approved course x 2     
OR (instead of MSC8001 and MSC8002):+ 

#Instead of the Research Training Track, students my seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with and (or and ) and two approved courses.
+ OR (instead of MSC8001 and MSC8002) and
*Two-unit course.

Applied Data Science specialisation Approved Courses

More approved courses from other disciplines may be available after consultation with the Program Coordinator via usq.support@usq.edu.au

Semester 1  Semester 2  Semester 3 
Agriculture Discipline Approved Courses 
##  ##   
##  ##   
Astrophysics Discipline Approved Courses (recommended to take PHY8001 and then choose) 
Compulsory course: 
Plus any one from the following:     
*##  *##   
Business Discipline Approved Courses 
Computing Discipline Approved Courses  
**  **   
**  **   
**@  **   
**  **   
**  **   
**  **@   
**  **   
**  **   
Information Systems Discipline Approved Courses 
Mathematics Discipline Approved Courses  
**  **   
**  **   
**  **   
Statistics Discipline Approved Courses  
**  **   
**  **   
**  **   

##Online offer only
*Two unit course
+The on campus Toowoomba offer will not be available in Semester 2 2019.
**Enrolment in this course is subject to having the correct prerequisites or equivalent.
@The CISCO certificate training is only available in ONC mode. Students who seek the certificate should enrol in ONC mode and be able to attend compulsory weekly workshops at Toowoomba campus.

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Astrophysics specialisation

This specialisation consists of the following courses:

Semester 1  Semester 2 
*  * 
*  * 
Approved Courses x 2 ^   
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track:# 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track:  
*  * 

*Two unit course
^Approved courses are for students to take complementary studies in physics, mathematics, statistics or computing. The selection of the approved courses is to be made in consultation with, (and be approved by) the Program Coordinator via usq.support@usq.edu.au .
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .

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Environment and Sustainability specialisation

This specialisation consists of 16 units of courses which are all available in online mode.

Semester 1  Semester 2 
  REN8203 Sustainability Science @ 
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track: # 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track:  
*  * 

@Or an approved course if REN8203 is not offered
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .
*Two unit course

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Mathematics and Statistics specialisation

This specialisation consists of 16 courses which are all available in online or on-campus mode. Students may seek approval from the Program Coordinator to enrol in courses not listed in this table.

Semester 1  Semester 2 
Core Courses: choose at least 9 Core courses and at most 12 Core Courses. At least 4 of the selected courses from Core Courses and Approved Courses must be at level 8. 
+**  +** 
@**  @** 
^  ^ 
**  ^ 
Approved Courses: choose at most 3 Approved Courses. At least 4 of the selected courses from Core Courses AND Approved Courses must be at level 8. 
**  ** 
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track: # 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track: 
*  * 

**Recommended courses for students wanting to teach mathematics.
+The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even years only.
@The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd years only.
^These courses are topics based courses. Student should select a topic from the course specifications and email the examiner prior to enrolment to receive enrolment approval.
^^Available in S1, S2 and S3
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .
*Two unit course

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Sport and Exercise specialisation

This specialisation consists of the following 12 core courses (12 units) and four units of research training or research project:

Semester 1  Semester 2 
(also available Semester 2)   
and EITHER the following four courses, which comprise the Research Training Track:# 
OR the following two courses (subject to prior approval), which comprise the Research Project Track: 
*  * 

+An approved course is available for those who do not wish to seek ESSA exercise science accreditation
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with AND .
*Two unit course

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Practical experience

Students completing the Sport and Exercise specialisation with an existing undergraduate degree from an Exercise Science accredited ESSA program are encouraged to meet ESSA Sports Scientist registration requirements by undertaking professional placement as part of . For students who are completing the Sport and Exercise specialisation, and who are not seeking to meet ESSA Sports Scientist accreditation, an appropriate level approved course may be selected in place of .

All professional placements are subject to approval. Students will be provided with a list of possible sites or may seek placement at an Australian site with approval. Students will not contact sites seeking professional placement. The student is responsible to meet all costs associated with the conduct of practical experience.

The professional experience must be gained in areas of sport and exercise performance, workplace health, hospital or clinical services, sports coaching and in sport and exercise research. A combination of experiences in a variety of settings and with different populations is expected during the program of study.

The professional practice is expected to be comprised of a minimum of 80 hours of face-to-face experience in exercise assessment, prescription and delivery while being supervised by either an Accredited Exercise Scientist, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Accredited Sport Scientist or an individual with an AQF level 7 Bachelor degree in Exercise and Sports Science or equivalent.

The supervisors for the professional practice will be required to meet professional ESSA qualification standards as set by USQ or will be assessed for relevant qualification and experience prior to appointment. Supervisors will complete a student evaluation for the professional practice.

Students must be available for a prescribed period of time to undertake a placement in an approved site as required to complete the requirements of this course.

Students will need to keep a logbook record of professional practice experiences along with supervisor details.

All professional placements are subject to the approval of the Program Coordinator. State law in Queensland (Australia) requires that all adults working/undertaking professional experience/researching with children under the age of 18, in the state of Queensland are required to possess a current Working with Children and Young People suitability card (Blue Card). Additionally, it is a USQ requirement that students have completed a First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course prior to professional placement. Students will also be required to wear USQ Sport and Exercise shirts and display a student ID card at all times during professional placement. Students must comply with the code of conduct as outlined in the Sport and Exercise professional placement handbook.

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IT requirements

Students should visit the USQ to check that their computers are capable of running the appropriate software and versions of Internet web browsers and to check the minimum and recommended standards for software.

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Other program requirements

To qualify for the award of Master of Science (Environment and Sustainability) students must pass 16 units of courses, at least eight of which are to be Level 8 courses listed in the Recommended Enrolment Pattern section. Students who have completed the same courses or similar courses at USQ or elsewhere may replace these with additional approved courses with the approval of the Program Coordinator via usq.support@usq.edu.au.

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Residential schools

The attendance requirement of residential schools within this degree is indicated by the following letters: V = Voluntary; O = Optional; C = Compulsory; R = Recommended; HR = Highly Recommended; M = Mandatory. To find out more about , visit the to view specific dates for your degree, or visit the .

Students completing the Sport and Exercise specialisation: for all modes there will be on-campus and practical attendance requirements for some courses. In order to successfully complete the program students must be able to fulfil any designated practical attendance requirements.

Agricultural Science Specialisation

Sport and Exercise Specialisation

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Students completing the Master of Science research project track would be eligible to apply for articulation to the Master of Science (Research) or Doctor of Philosophy programs if they meet other requirements for entry into those programs.

Students completing the Master of Science research training track with the appropriate GPA would be eligible to apply for enrolment in the Master of Science (Research) (Advanced) and then could progress (articulate) to a PhD via that route once they have demonstrated satisfactory progress in a significant research component.

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Exit points

Students may exit with Graduate Diploma of Science specialisation on successful complete of a least 8 courses within the Master of Science if they have satisfied the requirements of a Graduate Diploma of Science specialisation. Students may exit with the Graduate Diploma of Science (General) if they have completed at least 8 courses from one or more of the specialisations of MSCN, and at least 4 of them are at level 8.

Students may exit with Graduate Certificate of Science specialisation on successful completion of at least 4 courses within the Master of Science if they have satisfied the requirements of a GCSC Graduate Certificate of Science specialisation. Students may exit with the Graduate Certificate of Science (General) if they have completed at least 4 courses from one or more of the specialisations of Master of Science , and at least 2 of them are at level 8.

Students in the Sport and Exercise specialisation may exit with the Graduate Certificate of Sport and Exercise on successful completion of four approved units of study or the Graduate Diploma of Science (Sport and Exercise) after eight approved units of study.

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Exemptions/credit for all specialisations will be assessed according to .

  • Up to four units of coursework exemptions or credit will be granted if the student has completed courses equivalent to courses offered in the particular MSCN specialisation in either:

    • USQ's Graduate Certificate of Science; or

    • A Bachelor’s degree in a discipline equivalent to the specialisation; or

    • A Graduate Diploma or Bachelor’s Honours Degree qualification in a discipline different from the current area of study.

  • Up to eight units of coursework credit or exemptions will be granted if the student has completed courses equivalent to courses offered in the particular MSCN specialisation in either:

Students who have successfully completed should apply for an exemption for .


  1. All requests for credits or exemptions need to be sought by the student and approved by the Program Coordinator.

  2. The Program Coordinator will deem to what extent prior studies are equivalent to the relevant specialisation.

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Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Agricultural Science specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Residential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1


Year 1 Semester 2

1212HRPre-requisite: or
1212Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS

Year 2 Semester 1

21,221,2Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
**#2121Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*21,221,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 2 Semester 2


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
*Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Agricultural Science specialisation Part-time (8 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Residential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1


Year 2

2222HRPre-requisite: or
2222Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MEPR or GCNS or GDNS or MENS

Year 3

3131Pre-requisite: Completion of 2nd year (or 2 years full time study in a relevant area)

Year 4 Semester 1 - either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

#4141Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
**#4141Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*4141Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 4 Semester 2- either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
*Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Applied Climate Science specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

**#1111Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 1 Semester 2

Approved Specialisation Course+12
Approved Specialisation Course+12

Year 2 Semester 1

Approved Specialisation Course+21
Approved Specialisation Course+21

Year 2 Semester 2


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
*Two unit course
+Approved Specialisation Courses — courses complementary to the specialisation approved by the Program Coordinator

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Applied Climate Science specialisation Part-time (8 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1

Approved Specialisation Course+12

Year 2

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
**#2121Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator
Approved Specialisation Course+22

Year 3


Year 4

Approved Specialisation Course+41
Approved Specialisation Course+41

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


+Approved Specialisation Courses — courses complementary to the specialisation approved by the Program Coordinator
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
*Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Applied Data Science specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ) or and .

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1

1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI or MSCN.
**1111Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
Approved Course^1111

Year 1 Semester 2

1212Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: and
1212Pre-requisite: and

Year 2 Semester 1

2121Pre-requisite: and

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

     #2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.
     Approved Course#^2121

or one of the following courses for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator


*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in MSCN Program

Year 2 Semester 2

*2222Pre-requisite: and Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or MCTN or MCOP or MSCN (Applied Data Science)
Approved Course^2222

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or one of the following courses for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)




**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
^For a comprehensive list of Approved Courses, refer to Program Structure Section.
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units) or (2 units) and (2 units) and two approved courses.
*Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Applied Data Science specialisation part-time (8 Semesters, S1 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ) or and .

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1

**1111Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: and

Year 2

2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI or MSCN.
Approved Course^2121
2222Pre-requisite: and

Year 3

3131Pre-requisite: and
3232Pre-requisite: and Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GDTI or GCSC or MCTN or MCOP or MSCN (Applied Data Science)
Approved Course^3232

Year 4

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

     #4141Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or one of the following courses for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

     *4141Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator


     *4141Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in MSCN Program

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

     Approved Course#^4242

or one of the following courses for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)




**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
^For a comprehensive list of Approved Courses, refer to Program Structure Section.
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units) (or (2 units) and (2 units) and two approved courses.
*Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Astrophysics specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1

Approved Course^1111

Year 1 Semester 2

Approved Course^1212

Year 2 Semester 1


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

**#2121Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 2 Semester 2


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


^This approved course is for students to take complementary studies in physics, mathematics, statistics or computing. Choice of the approved courses should be made in consultation with, and be approved by the Program Coordinator via usq.support@usq.edu.au.
*Two unit course
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Astrophysics specialisation Part-time (8 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1, Semester 1

Approved Course^1111

Year 1, Semester 2

Approved Course^1212

Year 2, Semester 1


Year 2, Semester 2


Year 3, Semester 1

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

**#3131Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#3131Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*3131Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 3, Semester 2


Year 4, Semester 1


Year 4, Semester 2

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


^This approved course is for students to take complementary studies in physics, mathematics, statistics or computing. Choice of the approved courses should be made in consultation with, and be approved by the Program Coordinator via usq.support@usq.edu.au .
*Two unit course
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Environment and Sustainability specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

<#1111Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 1 Semester 2


Year 2 Semester 1


Year 2 Semester 2

REN8203 Sustainability Science **22

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


<Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
*Two unit course
**REN8203 is currently unavailable and has been replaced with an approved course, which may be taken from anywhere across the University; however, students are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator for assistance.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Environment and Sustainability specialisation Part-time (8 Semesters, S1 or S2 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1, Semester 1


Year 1, Semester 2


Year 2, Semester 1

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

<#2121Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 2, Semester 2


Year 3, Semester 1


Year 3, Semester 2

REN8203 Sustainability Science **32

Year 4, Semester 1


Year 4, Semester 2

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


<Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
*Two unit course
**REN8203 is currently unavailable and has been replaced with an approved course, which may be taken from anywhere across the University; however, students are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator for assistance.

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Mathematics and Statistics specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters, S1 entry)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students are required to submit a proposed enrolment pattern to the Program Coordinator for approval if it differs from the one below. The enrolment pattern below assumes students have not completed (and will complete in preference) but have completed .

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Year 1 Semester 1

**1111Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
1111Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: GCEN or METC or MENS or GDNS or MEPR
+*1111Pre-requisite: MAT1200 or

Year 1 Semester 2

+1212Pre-requisite: or or equivalent or approval from the examiner. Enrolment is not permitted in if MAT1200 has been previously completed.
+@1212Pre-requisite: or MAT2500 or

Year 2 Semester 1

Approved Course2121
Approved Course2121

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

++2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 2 Semester 2

Approved Course2222
Approved Course2222

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

#2222Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCOP or MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
#2222Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: and

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


Approved Courses: choose four of the following (at least one has to be at level 8)

2121Pre-requisite: and ( or )
2121Pre-requisite: ( or ) and ( or ) or Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MPIT or MCOT or MCTE
+@2121Pre-requisite: or or MAT2500
2222Pre-requisite: or approval of examiner
+*2222Pre-requisite: ( and ) or (MAT2500 and ) or ( and )

**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
+Recommended courses for students wanting to teach mathematics.
*The on-campus offering of this course is offered in odd years only.
^This is a topics based course. Students should select a topic from the course specification and email the examiner prior to enrolment to receive enrolment approval.
@The on-campus offering of this course is offered in even years only.
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
++Two unit course

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Recommended Enrolment Pattern - Sport and Exercise specialisation Full-time (4 Semesters) S1 or S2 entry

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students may, with approval of the Program Coordinator and acceptance by an appropriate supervisor, elect to replace two or four units of research training courses (, , and/or ) with one or two 2-unit research project courses ( and ).

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Residential schoolEnrolment requirements

Year 1, Semester 1

^~11, 211,2M

Year 1, Semester 2

12Pre-requisite: or Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: GDSI or MSCN
^1212MPre-requisite: and and

Year 2, Semester 1

+2121Pre-requisite: and

Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track

**#2121Enrolment is not permitted in if Data Analysis or Evaluating Information has been previously completed.
#2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MSCN or MSCR or MCTN or GCSC or GDSI. Enrolment is not permitted in if has been previously completed.

or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)

*2121Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MCTN or MCOP or MCTE or BSCH or MSCN or have the approval of their program coordinator

Year 2, Semester 2


Either the following two courses for the Research Training Track


or the following course for the Research Project Track (if approved instead of Research Training Track)


^The on-campus offering of this course is only available at the Ipswich campus.
~The on-campus Ipswich offering of this course will not be available in S2 2019.
+Placement course. An approved course is available for those students who do not hold ESSA exercise science accreditation.
**Not available in on-campus mode in 2019
#Instead of the Research Training Track, students may seek permission to do the Research Project Track and replace these courses with (2 units) and (2 units).
*Two unit course