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Waive of Academic Penalty and Fee Reversal

If you have experienced adverse, unexpected circumstances and these circumstances have prevented you from undertaking the necessary study to successfully complete the requirements of the course, you may apply to have the course fees refunded, the HELP debt remitted, Student Learning Entitlement re-credited, and the academic penalty waived. 

This is a Commonwealth Government audited process, and applications will be assessed in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act (2003) Section 104-25 and Section 36-20, the Higher Education Support (Administration) Guidelines 2022, and the Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers Guide to Special Circumstances Decision-making.

Our guide below provides detailed information about what is required for this application.

You must submit your application within 12 months of the Study Period in which you were enrolled. The application must include a personal statement detailing the nature of the circumstances, when the circumstances occurred, how the circumstances adversely impacted on your ability to complete the requirements of the course, and when this impact became apparent. Your circumstances must be verified by independent supporting documentation from a relevant authority.

Applications for withdrawal without academic or financial penalty due to special circumstances must be submitted through your Student Centre:

  1. Log into 
  2. Student Centre
  3. Online Requests tile
  4. Add a New Request
  5. Withdraw without Penalty menu item

Your application must provide sufficient information and supporting, independent documentation to demonstrate that your special circumstances meet all three of the following criteria.

1. The circumstances were beyond your control.

  • the circumstances must not be due to your own action or inaction, either direct or indirect.

2. The full impact of the circumstances did not become apparent until on, or after, the census date. Circumstances may occur:

  • on or after the ,
  • before the , but worsen after that date, or
  • before the , but the full impact does not become apparent until after that date

3. The circumstances prevented you from successfully completing the requirements of the course, i.e., due to the special circumstances, you were unable to:

  • undertake the necessary private study, attend sufficient lectures or tutorials, or meet other compulsory attendance requirements
  • complete the required assessment items
  • sit the required examination
  • complete any other compulsory course requirement.

Special circumstances may be assessed on the basis of:

  • serious illness or injury which results in significant functional impacts on a student’s ability to successfully complete the requirements of the course
  • bereavement
  • significant personal circumstances involving the health or wellbeing of a close relative
  • employment related circumstances, such as an unexpected and substantial increase in work hours, employer directed transfer or unexpected additional responsibilities
  • other exceptional circumstances beyond your control (e.g., natural disaster, damage to significant property, impacts arising from being the victim of a crime, etc.).

Circumstances not considered to meet the eligibility criteria include:

  • circumstances which do not impact on your ability to successfully complete the requirements of the course e.g., did not occur during the relevant study period, short-term illness or impairment
  • known impairment such as chronic illness, injury or disability unless medical evidence confirms that, despite appropriate management, there has been an unexpected change or worsening of the condition*
  • circumstances which are more appropriately covered by other administrative processes (e.g., deferred, or supplementary assessment or examination, or special consideration)
  • the removal of fail grades from previous study periods
  • inability to pay tuition fees or repay a HELP debt
  • failure to appropriately manage your enrolment in relation to the census date.**

Refer to the  for details.

* Applications submitted repeatedly for the same or similar circumstances may be declined on the basis that the circumstances are not unexpected.

** In accordance with the Higher Education Support Act, any Student Amenities Fees paid is not refundable under any circumstances.

Your application must include independent supporting documentation from a relevant authority who can verify the circumstances outlined in your personal statement. All supporting documentation must be from an independent source i.e., your application cannot be supported by family members or friends. 

Supporting documentation should include the date your circumstances became apparent, the duration circumstances impacted on your studies, and how the circumstances prevented you from completing the course requirements. Statutory Declarations are not considered independent and will not be accepted as supporting evidence.


Applications submitted on medical circumstances should include a letter or medical certificate from your treating healthcare professional stating:

  • consultation date/s relating to the stated medical condition
  • the date your medical condition began or changed
  • the duration of your medical condition
  • how your condition impacted on your ability to study; and
  • when it became apparent that you could not complete the requirements of the course/s.

Documentation must include the practitioner’s name, provider number, contact details, signature, and the date the letter was issued. 

Family and Personal

Applications submitted on family or personal circumstances should include a supporting letter from a relevant professional such as a counsellor, legal professional, school Principal, or an independent member of the community stating:

  • the date your family or personal circumstances began or changed
  • the duration the circumstances were present
  • how your circumstances impacted on your ability to study; and
  • when it became apparent that you could not complete the requirements of the course/s.

Documentation must include the professionals name, position, contact details, signature, and date the letter was issued. 


Applications submitted on employment grounds should include a letter from your supervisor/employer issued on Company letterhead stating:

  • the date and reasons your employment circumstances changed and when you were advised of the change
  • your previous employment conditions i.e., work hours, responsibilities, location
  • your current (changed) employment conditions i.e., work hours, responsibilities, location
  • how your circumstances impacted on your ability to study; and
  • when it became apparent that you could not complete the requirements of the course/s.

Documentation must include the supervisor/employers name, position, contact details, signature, and date the letter was issued. 

You will be notified of the outcome of your application within 4 – 6 weeks of the date your application was received. Notifications are issued via email to your University email account.

Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their application may seek a reconsideration of the decision by submitting a Review of Decision request within 28 days of the date the original decision was issued.

Review of Decision requests must be submitted through the section of your Student Centre. You must include a statement outlining why you are seeking a reconsideration of the decision and any additional documentary evidence that may support your case.

Notification of the outcome of your Review of Decision request will be issued within 45 days of the date your request was received. If your Review of Decision request is unsuccessful, information on your right to seek an external review will be provided in the decision notification.

Need assistance with your application?