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Applications and reports

For the Animal Ethics process, the university now uses the new Research Information Solutions EcoSystem . Please see the relevant tabs below for further information on how to submit your ethics application.

All new animal research/teaching applications must now be created and submitted using new online system.

To start a new application, please head to within RISE.

Refer to the for further information on how to use the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

Additional information

Note: If your research is to be conducted in an Australian state or territory outside Queensland, please contact the Ethics Office to confirm UniSQ has a current registration in that state or territory.

If you need to make changes or request an extension to your approved application, the changes must be reviewed and approved by the UniSQ Animal Ethics Committee before implementation. 

How to complete and submit an amendment 

We are currently implementing a new online Ethics system, and this is a two staged process. Please refer to the information below to guide how to submit an amendment:

1. Word-based forms

If your application was approved using the Word-based forms (prior December 2022), please continue to use the same process for now following the steps below:

  1. Complete the Amendment to Existing Project Checklist
  2. Using 'track changes' in word, make the required amendments to the most current version of the approved application
  3. Submit the completed documents to the Ethics Office
 2. Ethics Monitor

If your application was approved in Ethics Monitor (from January 2023), use the following steps:

  1. Head to  and navigate to the most current version of the approved application you wish to amend.
  2. Once in the home page of your ethics application, select ‘ Submit an amendment', and complete and submit the form.

Refer to the  for further information on how to complete the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

The Ethics Office will determine the appropriate review pathway in conjunction with the UniSQ AEC Amendment Classification Guide (PDF)

It is a standard condition of Animal Ethics Committee approval that a milestone report is submitted annually on 31 December and upon completion of the project.

How to complete and submit milestone report

We are currently implementing a new online Ethics system, and this is a two staged process. Please refer to the information below to guide how to submit a report:

1. Word-based forms

If your application was approved using the Word-based forms (prior December 2022), please complete the form below and return to the Ethics Office:

 2. Ethics Monitor

If your application was approved in Ethics Monitor (from January 2023), use the following steps:

  1. Head to  and navigate to the most current version of the approved application.
  2. Once in the home page of your ethics application, select ‘ Report a milestone’ and complete and submit the form.

Refer to the  for further information about the new system, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

It is a requirement that the UniSQ Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) is informed of all research being undertaken by the 黄片看片神器 researchers (staff and students).

If a research project has been approved by another AEC and involves UniSQ researchers, then a submission needs to be made to the UniSQ AEC for noting. 

How to submit a Prior Approval

Head to and select ‘start new ethics application’. Ensure you select ‘Yes’ to the following question: ‘Do you have approval from another Ethics Committee to conduct this project?’ in the 'Overview' tab.

Refer to the for further information on how to use the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

Note: The following supporting documents need to be uploaded to your submission: 

  • AEC approval letter or notification
  • AEC application 
  • Standard Operating Procedures (if required)
  • Any additional supporting documents 

To request an exemption, please head to and select ‘start new ethics application’. When completing the ‘Ethical considerations' tab, ensure to leave the first two options deselected, then select all that apply from the remaining options.

Refer to the for further information on how to use the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

When can I request an exemption?

You may request an exemption if you answer YES to one or more of the following questions:

  • only involves the use of animals that are not legally defined as an animal in the state or territory in which the work will be undertaken, e.g. insects
  • observing animals, e.g. bird watching, recording animal tracks. Note: this does not cover spotlighting
  • taking photographs or recordings (sound or digital)
  • collection of animal scats
  • collection of shed feathers
  • recording animal tracks using shallow sand pans
  • no interference with animals
  • no abnormal disruption of habitat
  • use of organs or other material from animals euthanised as part of routine commercial food and fibre production, e.g. from the butcher
  • use of cadavers or samples from animals euthanised at veterinary clinics or shelters from other veterinary or management reasons
  • use of samples from animals euthanised as part of a routine, unmodified pest animal control program
  • use of cadavers or samples from animals found dead, e.g. roadkill
  • use of tissue samples stored in laboratories from animals whose care and euthanasia has already been approved and monitored as part of an earlier AEC approved activity. 

The Ethics Office will notify you whether your proposed work is eligible for an exemption. If your work is deemed to be ineligible for an exemption the Ethics Office will provide you with advice on the application process. 

If an adverse or unexpected event occurs during or as a result of the research (or teaching) a UniSQ AEC unexpected adverse event report must be submitted to the Ethics Office.

How to submit an adverse event report

We are currently implementing a new online Ethics system, and this is a two staged process. Please refer to the information below to guide how to submit an unexpected adverse event report:

1. Word-based forms

If your application was approved using the Word-based forms (prior December 2022), please complete the form below and return to the Ethics Office:

2. Ethics Monitor

If your application was approved in Ethics Monitor (from January 2023), use the following steps below:

  1. Head to  and navigate to the most current version of the approved application.
  2. Once in the home page of your ethics application, select ‘ Report an adverse event’ and complete and submit the form.

Refer to the  for further information on how to use the form, or visit the Ethics Monitor .

What is an unexpected and/or adverse event?

  • An unexpected and/or adverse event is any event that occurs that may have a negative impact on the wellbeing of animals and was not expected in the approved project. 

An unexpected and/or adverse event may result from different causes, including but not limited to:

  • death of an animal, or group of animals that was not expected 
  • adverse effects following a procedure or treatment that were not expected
  • adverse effects in a larger number of animals than predicted during the planning of the project or activity, based on the number of animals actually used, not the number approved for the study
  • a greater level of pain or distress than was predicted during the planning of the project or activity
  • power failures, inclement weather, emergency situations or other factors external to the project or activity that have a negative impact on the welfare of the animals.