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  • Confirmation of Candidature - Connecting the Dots: The Role of Walking Routes Incorporating Public art on Wellbeing in Toowoomba, Queensland

Confirmation of Candidature - Connecting the Dots: The Role of Walking Routes Incorporating Public art on Wellbeing in Toowoomba, Queensland

Candidate : Shirley-Anne Gardiner
11 NOV 2024
9.30 AM - 11.00 AM
Online via Zoom

Over two out of every five Australians aged 16 to 85 years have experienced a mental disorder at some time, with this drastically affecting wellbeing.  However, in the last 12 months, 61% of adults took actions to improve their own mental health and wellbeing, including increasing physical activity (37%), positive thinking (29%) and increasing activities such as art (28%). This project proposes that walking and engagement with public art holds the capacity to enhance wellbeing. The value of `walkable' streets and engagement with `place' are key concepts in health geography and a central aspect of `therapeutic landscapes' which asserts that experiences and meanings, rather than physical contexts can positively impact on wellbeing.  This research will weave the concepts of therapeutic landscapes and sense of place with an adapted social determinants of health model, to investigate the role public art walking routes play in enhancing physical activity, social connectedness and self-reported wellbeing in the regional city of Toowoomba, Queensland. 

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