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Wine Business Management

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Enrolment requirements

Business students - compulsory courses:

MGT3004 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship    S2  
WIN1101 Grape and Wine Production    S1  

plus two elective courses from the elective courses list below.

Non-business students - compulsory courses:

MGT3004 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship    S2  
MKT1001 Introduction to MarketingS1 , S1  S1 , S1    S1 , S2 , S3  
WIN1101 Grape and Wine Production    S1  

plus one elective course from the elective courses list below.

Elective courses:

MGT2002 Perspectives of OrganisationS2 , S2  S2 , S2    S1 , S2 , S3  
MGT3001 Global ManagementS1 , S1     S1 , S3  
MGT3010 Business Strategy in a Global Environment    S1 , S3  Enrolment is not permitted in MGT3010 if MKT3002 has been previously completed.
PWE3000 Professional Work Experience~   S1 , S2 , S3   Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.
TOU3010 Event Management S2    S2  

~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.