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Bachelor of Communication and Media (BCNM) - BCmn

QTAC code (Australian and New Zealand applicants): Toowoomba campus: 909881; Online: 909885; Springfield campus: 929881

CRICOS code (International applicants): 093872D

Programs at USQ are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain professionally-relevant, in order to enhance the graduate outcomes of our students. This program is currently being re-accredited and is as a consequence likely to undergo some changes. Full details will be available when it is approved. If you have any questions, please directly.

Start:Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 1 (February)
Semester 2 (July)
Semester 3 (November)
Campus:Springfield, Toowoomba -
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:3 years full-time, 6 years part-time  

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students   Future International students   Current students  

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au  

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252 Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email: usq.support@usq.edu.au  

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Professional accreditation

The Bachelor of Communication and Media (Public Relations) and the Bachelor of Communication and Media (Public Relations Extended) are accredited with the (PRIA).

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Program aims

This program aims to produce graduates who have mastery over the professional practice of contemporary communication industry skills, supported by scholarly engagement with communication/media theory. Graduates will demonstrate professional practice in preferred areas of journalism, public relations, advertising and marketing, supported by a range of cognate skills from contemporary communication and media studies. Students can complement their major study with nominated major and minor studies from across the University’s programs. The Bachelor of Communication and Media program allows specific emphasis on those skills required in communications professions, with emphasis on journalism, public relations and mass communication.

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Program objectives

On successful completion of the program students should be able to:

  • express themselves with clarity and coherence and in terms of the industry-knowledge of the communication professions

  • explain and describe the fundamental nature of the process of communication in a range of communication forms including journalism, public relations, advertising and marketing

  • critically examine and describe the theoretical issues, problems and methodologies of the communication professions

  • solve problems according to the ethical and social responsibilities that are integral to the function of professional communication

  • assess and apply methods, concepts, techniques and theories in projects from different professional communication contexts.

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Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a single national, comprehensive system of qualifications offered by higher education institutions (including universities), vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the type and complexity of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded that qualification has attained, and the typical volume of learning associated with that qualification type.

This program is at AQF Qualification Level 07. Graduates at this level will have broad and coherent knowledge and skills for professional work and/or further learning.

The full set of levels criteria and qualification type descriptors can be found by visiting .

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Program Information Set

View UniSQ’s admission criteria, student profiles and a summary of all offers made under via the QTAC website.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Have achieved a minimum Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 65, or equivalent qualification.^
  • English Language Proficiency requirements for Category 2.

Applicants are advised to also address the following:

  • expectations: English (Units 3 & 4, C).

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.


These are determined by the University for specific programs each Semester. The 2021 ATAR and tertiary entrance ranks are based on agreed QTAC schedules which assess formal study at Year 12 or , tertiary, preparatory, professional or vocational qualifications or work experience, as detailed in the QTAC Assessment of Qualifications Manual and QTAC Assessor Guidelines.

Adjustment factors may help you get into the program of your choice by increasing your entrance rank. The additional points don't apply to all applicants or all programs. Please read the information about UniSQ's carefully to find out what you may be eligible for.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Bachelor of Communication and Media is comprised of 24 single-unit courses as indicated in the table below. Students are not permitted to complete more than 10 Level 1 courses as part of the program.

Area of study   Number of units  
Core courses  8 units 
1 x 12–unit major from the Bachelor of Communication and Media:
  • Journalism Extended

  • Television and Radio Extended

  • Public Relations Extended

AND 1 x 4-unit minor
4 units of elective courses  
16 units 
TOTAL  24 units 
8 x core courses  8 units 
1 x 8–unit major from the Bachelor of Communication and Media:
  • Advertising

  • Communication and Media Studies

  • Journalism

  • Marketing

  • Professional Photography

  • Public Relations

  • Television and Radio

AND one of the following
  • A second major from within the Bachelor of Communication and Media (8 units)*, or

  • 2 x 4-unit minors from areas of study within the Bachelor of Communication Media, or

  • 1 x 4-unit minor and 4 units of elective courses (from across the University subject to prerequisite requirements).

*Alternatively, students may select one major from the list above and a second major from another USQ undergraduate program subject to meeting prerequisite requirements and with the approval of the Program Coordinator. Programs where students may consider a second major include: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business .., Bachelor of Information Technology and
16 units 
TOTAL  24 units 

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 9 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

All students must take the core courses:

The recommended pattern for enrolment in core courses by full-time on-campus students is:

Year   Semester of offer   Course  
1, 2 or 3   CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship 
1, 3  JRN1010 Analysing News and Media 
1, 3  PRL1002 This is Public Relations 
CMS1010 Introduction to Communication Studies 
MSD2500 Reading Film: Hollywood 
CMS2008 Subjectivities, the Self and Communication 
STA2100 Evaluating Information Ʊ 
CMS3013 New Media 

ƱS2 offer at Toowoomba is not available in 2022

This pattern should only be varied with the permission of the Program Coordinator.

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Major studies

8-unit majors:

  • Advertising

  • Communication and Media Studies

  • Journalism

  • Marketing

  • Professional Photography

  • Public Relations

  • Television and Radio

12-unit extended majors:

  • Journalism Extended

  • Public Relations Extended

  • Television and Radio Extended

Majors from outside the program

Students may select one major from the list above and a second major from another USQ undergraduate program subject to meeting prerequisite requirements and with the approval of the Program Coordinator. Programs where students may consider a second major include:

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Minor Studies

Students may take one minor from those listed in the section of this Handbook. Students should take courses to the value of at least four units in the selected Minor Study. Choice of a minor will depend on the availability of the subject area, timetabling constraints, quotas and other restrictions such as auditions and interviews in certain areas of the Arts, as well as the approval of the Program Coordinator.

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Practical experience

In many majors within this program, on-campus and external students will be required to work on practical, real world projects and in some cases, will be required to work in teams. Public Relations, Communication, Marketing, Television and Radio and Advertising students will work on at least two client projects during their study. Students undertaking the Journalism and Public Relations majors are able to undertake work experience and have this recognised as part of their course through HMT3001 Independent Study Project A and HMT3002 Independent Study Project B.

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IT requirements

For information technology requirements please refer to the .

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Exit points

Students may exit with the Diploma of Arts if they have completed 8 courses as follows:

Students may exit with the Associate Degree of Communication and Media if they have completed 16 courses as follows:

  • 4 core units from the Bachelor of Communication and Media

  • 12 other units, with no more than 10 level one units.

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Candidates for admission to the Bachelor of Communication and Media may be eligible for up to 16 units of credit on the basis of successful completion of relevant, equivalent undergraduate study from a recognised university or institution offering equivalent study. Credit approved in this program will not automatically apply to other programs offered by USQ.

Claims for credit for previous study should be submitted prior to or at the time of enrolment. Each claim will be assessed on individual merit in line with USQ policy.

Note: Where credit is granted, maximum and minimum duration will be adjusted in the same proportion as credit, for example, where eight units of credit is granted, maximum time will be six years and minimum time will be four semesters.

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Given the program structure information, students should plan their enrolment making sure that they have fulfilled all core, major and minor requirements (depending on their choice of enrolment pattern). Enrolment requirements must be satisfied before enrolling in a course.
As a guide, full-time students should plan to undertake 8 courses per year and online students, who are in employment, a maximum of 6 courses per year, with a minimum of 4 courses per year. This is exclusive of any semester 3 enrolments.
Courses are normally offered on-campus and externally in the same semester. If a course is offered twice in one year, the second offering will normally be on an external basis only.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Advertising (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Students must complete the following:

ADV1001 Introduction to Advertising11 11, 3
ADV1002 Advertising as Engagement##1212
ADV2000 Advertising, Regulation and Ethics21
ADV2001 Advertising as Communication###2121Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: ADV1001
ADV2002 Advertising: Copywriting and Concept Design##2222
CMS2018 Cultural Industries - Cultural Economies2222
ADV3000 Advertising Campaign Planning and Management###3131

Choose one of the following two courses depending on availability

     ADV3001 Advertising Pitching and Project3232
     HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

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Communication and Media Studies (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Students must complete the following:

MSD1000 Understanding Media1211Enrolment is not permitted in MSD1000 if CMS1012 has been previously completed.
MSD2550 Television and Streaming Platforms22Enrolment is not permitted in MSD2550 if CMS2017 has been previously completed.
CMS2009 Celebrity and Society22
CMS2018 Cultural Industries - Cultural Economies22
CMS2020 Broadcast Media: History and TheoryƱƱƱ22
CMS3007 Reading World Cinema32
CMS3008 Communication and Media Industries3232
CMS3009 Research and Inquiry in Communication and Media31, 3

ƱƱƱSemester 2 Online offer is not available in 2022

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Journalism (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
JRN1020 Introduction to Professional Journalism^1212
JRN1030 Reporting the News2222Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: JRN1000 or JRN1020
JRN2001 Photojournalism and Editorial DesignƱ2121Pre-requisite: JRN1020
JRN2007 Audio and Visual Journalism22Enrolment is not permitted in JRN2007 if JRN2002 has been previously completed.
JRN2006 Media Law and Ethics§22
JRN3003 Feature Writing31Pre-requisite: JRN1000 or JRN1020

Select ONE of the following two courses:

HMT3001 Independent Study Project A31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

Select ONE of the following two courses:

JRN3001 Online Journalism32Pre-requisite: JRN2003 or JRN3003
CMS3008 Communication and Media Industries32

^Formerly JRN1000.
ƱS1 offer at Springfield & Toowoomba is not available in 2022
§Formerly JRN3006: Students who have successfully completed JRN3006 should not enrol in JRN2006.

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Journalism Extended (12-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

This major will qualify students for work as practising journalists in industry. On-campus classes are available at Toowoomba and Springfield.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Required Courses:

     JRN1020 Introduction to Professional Journalism#1212
     JRN1030 Reporting the News2222Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: JRN1000 or JRN1020
     JRN2001 Photojournalism and Editorial DesignƱ2121Pre-requisite: JRN1020
     JRN2007 Audio and Visual Journalism22Enrolment is not permitted in JRN2007 if JRN2002 has been previously completed.
     JRN2006 Media Law and Ethics§22
     CRI2211 Crime, Justice and the Media*21
     JRN3003 Feature Writing31Pre-requisite: JRN1000 or JRN1020
     HMT3001 Independent Study Project A$31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
     CMS3009 Research and Inquiry in Communication and Media3131, 3
     SOC2022 Power and Society22
     JRN3001 Online Journalism32Pre-requisite: JRN2003 or JRN3003
     CMS3008 Communication and Media Industries32

#Formerly JRN1000: Students who have completed JRN1000 should not enrol in JRN1020.
ƱS1 offer at Springfield & Toowoomba is not available in 2022
§Formerly JRN3006: Students who have successfully completed JRN3006 should not enrol in JRN2006.
*Not available on-campus in 2022
$Students who have not completed HMT3001 must complete HMT3002.

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Marketing (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements

Required courses:

     MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing 1 1 (TW) 1, 2 (SP) 1 1, 2, 3
     MKT1002 Consumer Behaviour 1 1 1 1, 2
     MKT2001 Marketing Communications 2 2 2 2, 3
     MKT2015 Creating Marketing Value 2 1 2 1Enrolment is not permitted in MKT2015 if MKT2012 has been previously completed.
     MKT2013 Digital Marketing and Branding 2 1 2 1, 3
     MKT2014 Global Marketing 2 2 2 2Enrolment is not permitted in MKT2014 if MKT2002 has been previously completed.
     MKT3007 Marketing Strategy 3 2 3 2Pre-requisite: MKT1001

Select ONE of the following:

     MKT3001 Marketing Research 3 1 3 1Pre-requisite: MKT1001
     MKT3008 Marketing Project 3 1 3 1, 2Pre-requisite: MKT1001 Co-requisite: MKT3001 or CMS3009 or PRL3012 or PRL2012
     PWE3000 Professional Work Experience # 3 2, 3Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.

# International students are unable to enrol in PWE3000 Professional Work Experience.

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Professional Photography (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
PHT1000 Foundations of Photography 111
PHT1001 Foundations of Photography 212Pre-requisite: PHT1000
PHT2000 Professional Photographic Genres and Styles21Pre-requisite: PHT1001
PHT2001 Photographic Studio and Fieldwork21Pre-requisite: PHT1001
PHT2002 Advanced Digital Imaging and Adaptation22Pre-requisite: PHT1001
JRN2006 Media Law and Ethics22
PHT3000 Photographic Concept and Design31

Select ONE of the following two courses:

HMT3001 Independent Study Project A31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

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Public Relations (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
PRL1005 Digital Public Relations1212
PRL2003 Writing for Public RelationsƱ2121
PRL2002 Community Consultation and Development2121
PRL2001 Communicating Through Issues and Crisis22
PRL2012 Public Relations Research Methods22, 3Students who have completed PRL3012 are not permitted to enrol in PRL2012.
PRL3001 Public Relations Campaign Development31Pre-requisite: PRL2012 or PRL3012
PRL3004 Organisational Communication and Culture32

Select ONE of the following. International on-campus students should consult with the PR discipline co-ordinator before making their selection.

HMT3001 Independent Study Project A31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

ƱS1 offer at Toowoomba is not available in 2022

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Public Relations Extended (12-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing1111, 2, 3
PRL1005 Digital Public Relations1212

Select one of the following two courses:

     ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making11, 211, 2, 3
     MKT1002 Consumer Behaviour1111, 2
ADV1002 Advertising as Engagement1212
PRL2003 Writing for Public RelationsƱ2121
PRL2002 Community Consultation and Development2121
PRL2001 Communicating Through Issues and Crisis22
PRL2012 Public Relations Research Methods22, 3Students who have completed PRL3012 are not permitted to enrol in PRL2012.
PRL3001 Public Relations Campaign Development31Pre-requisite: PRL2012 or PRL3012
PRL3004 Organisational Communication and Culture32
TOU3010 Event Management32

Select ONE of the following two courses. International on-campus students should consult with the PR discipline co-ordinator before making their selection.

HMT3001 Independent Study Project A31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

ƱS1 offer at Toowoomba is not available in 2022

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Television and Radio (8-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

Students undertaking radio courses from Year 2 are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in. Students undertaking television courses from Year 2 must enrol on campus.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
DIT1001 Aesthetics for Interactive Systems1111
FSP2004 Scriptwriting11Enrolment is not permitted in FSP2004 if FTR1006 has been previously completed.
FSP1003 Editing Lab 11111Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1003 if FTR1004 has been previously completed.

Select ONE of the following two courses:

     FSP1005 Production Management12Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1005 if FTR1007 has been previously completed.
     FSP1001 Location Production 111Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1001 if FTR1005 has been previously completed.

Select ONE of the following two courses:

     TVR1002 Introduction to Radio Production2121Enrolment is not permitted in TVR1002 if FTR2002 has been previously completed.
     TVR1001 Introduction to Television Studio Practice22Enrolment is not permitted in TVR1001 if FTR2003 has been previously completed.

Select ONE of the following two courses:

     TVR2002 Advanced Radio Production2121Pre-requisite: TVR1002 Enrolment is not permitted in TVR2002 if FTR2008 has been previously completed
     TVR2001 Advanced Television Studio Production21Enrolment is not permitted in TVR2001 if FTR2009 has been previously completed.

Select the following courses:

FTR3004 Major Broadcast Production32Pre-requisite: Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Animation 17195): FTR2011. Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Television 17197): FTR2009. Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Radio 17198): FTR2008.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.

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Television and Radio Extended (12-unit major)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirements
DIT1001 Aesthetics for Interactive Systems1111
FSP1003 Editing Lab 11111Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1003 if FTR1004 has been previously completed.
FSP1001 Location Production 111Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1001 if FTR1005 has been previously completed.
FSP1005 Production Management12Enrolment is not permitted in FSP1005 if FTR1007 has been previously completed.
TVR1002 Introduction to Radio Production2121Enrolment is not permitted in TVR1002 if FTR2002 has been previously completed.
TVR1001 Introduction to Television Studio Practice22Enrolment is not permitted in TVR1001 if FTR2003 has been previously completed.
TVR2002 Advanced Radio Production2121Pre-requisite: TVR1002 Enrolment is not permitted in TVR2002 if FTR2008 has been previously completed
TVR2001 Advanced Television Studio Production21Enrolment is not permitted in TVR2001 if FTR2009 has been previously completed.
FTR3000 Media Business31
HMT3001 Independent Study Project A31Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
HMT3002 Independent Study Project B32Pre-requisite: Completion of 16 units, of which 5 must be in area of proposed study project; subject to agreement of appropriate supervisor. Enrolment is not permitted in HMT3001 or HMT3002 if PRL3002 has been previously completed.
FTR3004 Major Broadcast Production32Pre-requisite: Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Animation 17195): FTR2011. Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Television 17197): FTR2009. Students enrolled in BCAR (FilmTelevRadio+Radio 17198): FTR2008.