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Bachelor of Accounting and Sustainable Business (BASB) - BAccSustBus

This program is offered only to continuing students. No new admissions will be accepted. Students who are interested in this study area should .

Start:No new admissionsNo new admissions
Fees:Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Commonwealth supported place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:4 years full-time; up to 9 years part-time 

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Contact us

Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Professional accreditation

Graduates of this program will meet the educational entrance requirements of and (CAANZ). This provides Associate membership of CPA Australia, eligibility to study the CPA Australia professional exams and eligibility to study the CAANZ professional exams.

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Program aims

This program aims to provide students with specific knowledge and skills relevant to the accounting discipline and satisfy the educational entrance requirements for membership of relevant Australian accounting professional bodies. The program also aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of organisations to strategically manage and report their environmental and social impacts on the community. In addition, the program aims to provide students with the necessary broad-based administrative and management skills required by organisations to compete in the global economic environment.

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Program objectives

At the completion of the program, students should exhibit the following graduate qualities:

  • Discipline expertise - demonstrate strong communication skills to transfer their knowledge from program studies to the workplace; acquire specific knowledge and skills relevant to the accounting discipline

  • Professional practice - identify, analyse and solve problems in different decision contexts; satisfy the educational entrance requirement of the relevant Australian accounting professional bodies

  • Global citizenship - understand and apply the broad-based administrative and management skills required by organisations to compete in the global economic environment

  • Scholarship - demonstrate an understanding of the principles of accounting, finance, economics and business law; think constructively and logically

  • Lifelong learning - make effective and creative use of modern technologies; understand and apply the broad-based administrative and management skills required by organisations to compete on an ongoing basis in the global economic environment

  • Awareness of sustainability issues - assist organisations to strategically and ethically manage and report their environmental and social impacts on the community.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Year 12 English [4,SA] or equivalent.

  • Current skills at the level of Queensland Senior Secondary School Studies Maths A (4,SA) or equivalent is assumed.

  • Admission to the Bachelor of Accounting and Sustainable Business is in accordance with for undergraduate programs.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Commonwealth supported place

A Commonwealth supported place is where the Australian Government makes a contribution towards the cost of a students' higher education and students pay a , which varies depending on the courses undertaken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

Commonwealth Supported students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called .

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

The Bachelor of Accounting and Sustainable Business is comprised of 32 single-unit courses as follows:

Courses  Units 
Core business courses  8 units 
Accounting major courses  8 units 
Sustainable Business major courses  8 units 
Business Administration courses  8 units 
Total  32 units 

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Program completion requirements

To be eligible to graduate with the award Bachelor of Accounting and Sustainable Business, students must have successfully completed the core business courses, Accounting major courses, Sustainable Business major courses, and Business Administration courses (32 courses in total).

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 9 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

All students are required to complete all the following core courses. The purpose of these courses is to expose business students to fundamental concepts and methods and the diversity of subject matter that they will encounter in their studies. The functional areas of business are identified and elementary tools leading to a focus in the major areas of Accounting, Sustainable Business, and Business Administration.

Courses  Semester/mode of offer Toowoomba campus  Semester/mode of offer Springfield campus 
ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC), S2 (ONC) 
CIS1000 Information Systems Concepts  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC), S3 (ONC) 
ECO1000 Economics  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT), S3 (EXT)  S2 (ONC), S3 (ONC) 
FIN1101 Introduction to Corporate Finance  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC), S2 (ONC) 
LAW1101   S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC), S2 (ONC) 
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing  S1 (EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
STA2300   S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
Select one of the following 2 courses: 
MGT1000 Organisational Behaviour  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
PWE3000 Professional Work Experience ~  S2 (EXT), S3 (EXT)   

~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.

Specific majors

In this section:

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Accounting major courses

Courses  Semester/mode of offer Toowoomba campus  Semester/mode of offer Springfield campus 
ACC1102 Financial Accounting  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
ACC2113 Management Accounting I  S1 (EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
ACC2115 Company Accounting (Formerly ACC3115)  S1 (EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
ACC3101 Accounting Information Systems  S1 (EXT), S2 (ONC, EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
ACC3116 Accounting and Society  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
ACC3118 Auditing  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
LAW2106   S2 (ONC, EXT), S3 (EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
LAW3130 Revenue Law and Practice A  S1 (ONC, EXT), S2 (EXT), S3 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 

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Sustainable Business major courses

Not all courses are available on-campus.

Courses  Semester/mode of offer Toowoomba campus  Semester/mode of offer Springfield campus 
ACC3114 Management Accounting II  S1 (ONL)   
ECO3030 Sustainable Economies  S2 (ONL)   
LAW2107 Environmental Law  S2 (ONL)  S2 (ONC)  
POL3013 Sustainability and Politics  S1 (ONL)   
REN1201 Environmental Studies  For current year offerings, please refer to  
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation 
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use 

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Business Administration courses

Courses  Semester/mode of offer Toowoomba campus  Semester/mode of offer Springfield campus 
CMS1009   For current year offerings, please refer to  
CTU3020 Writing for the Professions^*  S2 (EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
CTU3040 Effective Organisational Communications^*  S2 (EXT)  S2 (ONC) 
CTU3070 Corporate Social Responsibility‡*  S1 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
CTU4050 Operations Management^*  S1 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
CTU4080 Fair Labour Practices‡*  S1 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
CTU4950 Business Strategy*  S1 (EXT)  S1 (ONC) 
MAT1001 Business Maths  For current year offerings, please refer to  

^Offered in odd-numbered years.
*Jointly badged course USQ/City University of Seattle (CityU), USA - students can enrol directly with the CityU to undertake this course in years not offered at USQ. If a course is undertaken directly with CityU rather than USQ it will not be covered under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) or international USQ course fee scheme. As such, the full costs of direct course enrolment with CityU will be the sole responsibility of individual students choosing this option.
‡Offered in even-numbered years.

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IT requirements

For information technology requirements please refer to the .

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Springfield and Toowoomba external (semester 1 odd-numbered years commencement)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments
ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making1111
CIS1000 Information Systems Concepts1111
MAT1001 Business Maths1111
CMS1009 1111
LAW1101 1212
ACC1102 Financial Accounting1212
CTU3020 Writing for the Professions*^1212
CTU3040 Effective Organisational Communications*^1212
REN1201 Environmental Studies2121Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
ACC2115 Company Accounting2121Pre-requisite: ACC1102 or ACC2102 or ACC2103 Formerly ACC3115
CTU3070 Corporate Social Responsibility* ‡2121
CTU4080 Fair Labour Practices* ‡2121
STA2300 2222
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing2222
ECO1000 Economics2222
LAW2106 2222
FIN1101 Introduction to Corporate Finance3131
LAW3130 Revenue Law and Practice A3131Pre-requisite: (ACC1101 and (LAW2106 or LAW1500)) or ((LAW2202 or LAW1123) and (LAW3206 or LAW2223) for Students in Programs: BLAW or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or LLBP or BCLW) or ((LAW5602 or LAW5123) and (LAW5706 or LAW5223) for Students in Program: DJUR)
POL3013 Sustainability and Politics/31
CTU4050 Operations Management*^3131Pre-requisite: MAT1001
ACC2113 Management Accounting I3232Pre-requisite: ACC1101
LAW2107 Environmental Law3232Co-requisite: LAW1101 or LAW1500 or ENG2002 or REN1201 or (Students enrolled in BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or BCLW & Co-requisite LAW1201 or LAW1111) or (Students enrolled in DJUR & Co-requisite LAW5501 or LAW5111)
ACC3101 Accounting Information Systems3232
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232

Select one of the following 2 courses:

     MGT1000 Organisational Behaviour4141
     PWE3000 Professional Work Experience~Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.
ACC3118 Auditing4141Pre-requisite: (ACC1102 or ACC2102) and ACC2115
ACC3116 Accounting and Society4141Pre-requisite: ACC2115
CTU4950 Business Strategy*4141
ECO3030 Sustainable Economies4242
ACC3114 Management Accounting II+41Pre-requisite: ACC2113
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use4242

*Jointly badged course USQ/City University of Seattle (CityU), USA - students can enrol directly with the CityU to undertake this course in years not offered at USQ. If a course is undertaken directly with CityU rather than USQ it will not be covered under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) or international USQ course fee scheme. As such, the full costs of direct course enrolment with CityU will be the sole responsibility of individual students choosing this option.
^Offered in odd-numbered years.
‡Offered in even-numbered years.
/is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.
+is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Springfield and Toowoomba external (semester 2 odd-numbered years commencement)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments
ECO1000 Economics1212
LAW1101 1212
STA2300 1212
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing1212
ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making2121
CIS1000 Information Systems Concepts2121
MAT1001 Business Maths2121
CMS1009 2121
ACC1102 Financial Accounting2222
LAW2106 2222
ACC2113 Management Accounting I2222Pre-requisite: ACC1101
LAW2107 Environmental Law2222Co-requisite: LAW1101 or LAW1500 or ENG2002 or REN1201 or (Students enrolled in BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or BCLW & Co-requisite LAW1201 or LAW1111) or (Students enrolled in DJUR & Co-requisite LAW5501 or LAW5111)
REN1201 Environmental Studies3131Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
ACC2115 Company Accounting3131Pre-requisite: ACC1102 or ACC2102 or ACC2103 Formerly ACC3115
POL3013 Sustainability and Politics/31
CTU4050 Operations Management*^3131Pre-requisite: MAT1001
CTU3020 Writing for the Professions*^3232
CTU3040 Effective Organisational Communications*^3232
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232
FIN1101 Introduction to Corporate Finance4141
CTU3070 Corporate Social Responsibility* ‡4141
CTU4080 Fair Labour Practices* ‡4141
ACC3118 Auditing4141Pre-requisite: (ACC1102 or ACC2102) and ACC2115
ACC3101 Accounting Information Systems4242
ACC3114 Management Accounting II+41Pre-requisite: ACC2113
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use4242
ECO3030 Sustainable Economies4242
ACC3116 Accounting and Society5151Pre-requisite: ACC2115
LAW3130 Revenue Law and Practice A5151Pre-requisite: (ACC1101 and (LAW2106 or LAW1500)) or ((LAW2202 or LAW1123) and (LAW3206 or LAW2223) for Students in Programs: BLAW or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or LLBP or BCLW) or ((LAW5602 or LAW5123) and (LAW5706 or LAW5223) for Students in Program: DJUR)

Select one of the following 2 courses:

     MGT1000 Organisational Behaviour5151
     PWE3000 Professional Work Experience~Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.
CTU4950 Business Strategy*5151

/is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
*Jointly badged course USQ/City University of Seattle (CityU), USA - students can enrol directly with the CityU to undertake this course in years not offered at USQ. If a course is undertaken directly with CityU rather than USQ it will not be covered under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) or international USQ course fee scheme. As such, the full costs of direct course enrolment with CityU will be the sole responsibility of individual students choosing this option.
^Offered in odd-numbered years.
‡Offered in even-numbered years.
+is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Springfield and Toowoomba external (semester 1 even- numbered years commencement)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments
ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making1111
CIS1000 Information Systems Concepts1111
MAT1001 Business Maths1111
CMS1009 1111
LAW1101 1212
ACC1102 Financial Accounting1212
STA2300 1212
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing1212
REN1201 Environmental Studies2121Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
ACC2115 Company Accounting2121Pre-requisite: ACC1102 or ACC2102 or ACC2103 Formerly ACC3115

Select one of the following 2 courses:

     MGT1000 Organisational Behaviour2121
     PWE3000 Professional Work Experience~Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.
FIN1101 Introduction to Corporate Finance2121
CTU3020 Writing for the Professions*^2222
CTU3040 Effective Organisational Communications*^2222
ACC2113 Management Accounting I2222Pre-requisite: ACC1101
LAW2106 2222
CTU3070 Corporate Social Responsibility*‡3131
CTU4080 Fair Labour Practices*‡3131
LAW3130 Revenue Law and Practice A3131Pre-requisite: (ACC1101 and (LAW2106 or LAW1500)) or ((LAW2202 or LAW1123) and (LAW3206 or LAW2223) for Students in Programs: BLAW or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or LLBP or BCLW) or ((LAW5602 or LAW5123) and (LAW5706 or LAW5223) for Students in Program: DJUR)
POL3013 Sustainability and Politics/31
ECO1000 Economics3232
ACC3101 Accounting Information Systems3232
LAW2107 Environmental Law3232Co-requisite: LAW1101 or LAW1500 or ENG2002 or REN1201 or (Students enrolled in BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or BCLW & Co-requisite LAW1201 or LAW1111) or (Students enrolled in DJUR & Co-requisite LAW5501 or LAW5111)
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232
CTU4050 Operations Management*^4141Pre-requisite: MAT1001
ACC3118 Auditing4141Pre-requisite: (ACC1102 or ACC2102) and ACC2115
ACC3116 Accounting and Society4141Pre-requisite: ACC2115
CTU4950 Business Strategy*4141
ECO3030 Sustainable Economies4242
ACC3114 Management Accounting II+41Pre-requisite: ACC2113
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use4242

~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.
*Jointly badged course USQ/City University of Seattle (CityU), USA - students can enrol directly with the CityU to undertake this course in years not offered at USQ. If a course is undertaken directly with CityU rather than USQ it will not be covered under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) or international USQ course fee scheme. As such, the full costs of direct course enrolment with CityU will be the sole responsibility of individual students choosing this option.
^Offered in odd-numbered years.
‡Offered in even-numbered years.
/is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
+is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.

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Recommended enrolment pattern - Springfield and Toowoomba external (semester 2 even-numbered years commencement)

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester in which course is normally studiedEnrolment requirementsComments
ECO1000 Economics1212
LAW1101 1212
STA2300 1212
MKT1001 Introduction to Marketing1212
ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making2121
CIS1000 Information Systems Concepts2121
MAT1001 Business Maths2121
CMS1009 2121
ACC1102 Financial Accounting2222
LAW2106 2222
CTU3020 Writing for the Professions*^2222
CTU3040 Effective Organisational Communications*^2222
REN1201 Environmental Studies3131Enrolment is not permitted in REN1201 if REN8101 has been previously completed.
ACC2115 Company Accounting3131Pre-requisite: ACC1102 or ACC2102 or ACC2103 Formerly ACC3115
CTU3070 Corporate Social Responsibility*‡3131
CTU4080 Fair Labour Practices*‡3131
ACC2113 Management Accounting I3232Pre-requisite: ACC1101
LAW2107 Environmental Law3232Co-requisite: LAW1101 or LAW1500 or ENG2002 or REN1201 or (Students enrolled in BEDU (Legal Studies) or BLAW or LLBP or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or BCLW & Co-requisite LAW1201 or LAW1111) or (Students enrolled in DJUR & Co-requisite LAW5501 or LAW5111)
ACC3040 Sustainable Business32
REN3301 Biodiversity and Conservation3232
FIN1101 Introduction to Corporate Finance4141
ACC3118 Auditing4141Pre-requisite: (ACC1102 or ACC2102) and ACC2115
POL3013 Sustainability and Politics/41
CTU4050 Operations Management*^4141Pre-requisite: MAT1001
ACC3101 Accounting Information Systems4242
ACC3114 Management Accounting II+41Pre-requisite: ACC2113
REN3302 Sustainable Resource Use4242
ECO3030 Sustainable Economies4242
ACC3116 Accounting and Society5151Pre-requisite: ACC2115
LAW3130 Revenue Law and Practice A5151Pre-requisite: (ACC1101 and (LAW2106 or LAW1500)) or ((LAW2202 or LAW1123) and (LAW3206 or LAW2223) for Students in Programs: BLAW or BALW or BBLA or BCLA or LLBP or BCLW) or ((LAW5602 or LAW5123) and (LAW5706 or LAW5223) for Students in Program: DJUR)

Select one of the following 2 courses:

     MGT1000 Organisational Behaviour5151
     PWE3000 Professional Work Experience~Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units in their program of study. ADCJ students are exempt from the 16-unit pre-requisite, but must have successfully completed EMP2030 to undertake this course.
CTU4950 Business Strategy*5151

*Jointly badged course USQ/City University of Seattle (CityU), USA - students can enrol directly with the CityU to undertake this course in years not offered at USQ. If a course is undertaken directly with CityU rather than USQ it will not be covered under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) or international USQ course fee scheme. As such, the full costs of direct course enrolment with CityU will be the sole responsibility of individual students choosing this option.
^Offered in odd-numbered years.
‡Offered in even-numbered years.
/is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
+is not offered on-campus. Students should enrol in online mode.
~PWE3000 Professional Work Experience is not available to international students regardless of location or mode of study as it is an elective course. Australian regulations do not allow an elective work-based training course that is not a mandatory program requirement to be offered to international students.