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Master of Arts. . (MSTA) - MA

CRICOS code (International applicants): 072983D

This program is offered only to continuing students. No new admissions will be accepted. Students who are interested in this study area should consider the MARA Master of Arts which will be offered from semester 1, 2014.

Semester intake:No new admissionsNo new admissions
Campus:Toowoomba -
Fees:Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Domestic full fee paying place
International full fee paying place
Standard duration:1 year full-time; 2 years part-time 
Program articulation:

From: Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Creative Arts . or other approved degree program

To: Doctor of Philosophy or other approved professional award

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Contact us

Future Australian and New Zealand students  Future International students  Current students 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 269 500
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 5315
Email: study@usq.edu.au  

Phone: +61 7 4631 5543
Email: international@usq.edu.au 

Freecall (within Australia): 1800 007 252
Phone (from outside Australia): +61 7 4631 2285
Email usq.support@usq.edu.au 

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Program aims

This program is specifically designed for prospective students who require professional development or qualifications upgrade. The program also aims to produce graduates who have an advanced awareness, understanding and appreciation of the complexities of human thought, expression and behaviour as reflected in a specified discipline area. Graduates will also have demonstrated their capacity for specialised study, research and scholarship at a higher level and/or in applying knowledge in employment or community service, and have enhanced further their personal, cultural, creative and intellectual capacities.

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Program objectives

On successful completion of the program students should:

  • have advanced their professional knowledge in a manner that is appropriate to career progression

    • be able to evaluate and to analyse critically a range of ideas and theories pertaining to the creative arts or humanities

    • have acquired advanced knowledge, skills and competency in the content, epistemology and appreciation or practice of a particular discipline

    • be able to conceive, plan and execute a project requiring research, scholarship, composition, and interpretation at an advanced level.

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Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

The requirements described in this section are the generic requirements for entry to the Master of Arts program. Some majors may have additional specific requirements.

Standard Entry

  • The normal requirement for entry to the Master of Arts program is a three year bachelor degree or equivalent.

  • Some consideration for significant professional practice may be given to applicants at the discretion of the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

Additional Entry Requirements

  • Applicants for entry into the following Master of Arts pathways/majors must have completed a major in their discipline area or have equivalent professional experience: Anthropology, Applied Media, Creative Media, English Literature, Journalism, Music, Theatre; and Visual Arts. Anthropology applicants must have a minimum grade point average of five.

  • Ideally, applicants will have up to two years of practice in their given discipline/field in addition to their undergraduate qualifications.

  • Students intending to undertake research or project work should note that selection of any research topic is subject to the availability of an appropriate supervisor, and students must accept faculty guidance in their selection of a research topic.

  • Students who have graduated with USQ's Postgraduate Certificate in Business will be considered for admission to the Corporate Communication coursework major only in the Master of Arts.

  • Some disciplines require the completion of an additional Discipline Proposal. These disciplines are: Anthropology, Applied Media, Communication and Media Studies, Creative Media, English Literature, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts. Students should prepare a report of no more than five pages, addressing the criteria below, and a 300 word description of the proposed project. Anthropology and English literature applicants must develop their proposal in consultation with a staff member in their discipline.

    Please advise how your proposed research will:

    1. Advance your professional knowledge in a manner that is appropriate to your career progression/aspirations

    2. Evaluate and critically analyse a range of theories and methodologies pertaining to your sector/field in either the creative arts or humanities

    3. Be managed and evaluated. Detail the resources you will need to complete this project (include equipment, personnel etc).

    4. What is your perceived outcome for this research/project and who (other than yourself) stands to benefit from your research/project?

    5. Note: Students completing coursework are not required to submit a proposal.

All students are required to satisfy the applicable .

If students do not meet the English language requirements they may apply to study a University-approved . On successful completion of the English language program, students may be admitted to an award program.

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Program fees

Domestic full fee paying place

Domestic full fee paying places are funded entirely through the full fees paid by the student. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the

Domestic full fee paying students may be eligible to defer their fees through a Government loan called provided they meet the residency and citizenship requirements.

Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, Permanent Resident visa holders and New Zealand citizens who will be resident outside Australia for the duration of their program pay full tuition fees and are not eligible for .

International full fee paying place

International students pay full fees. Full fees vary depending on the courses that are taken and whether they are studied on-campus, via distance education/online. Students are able to calculate the fees for a particular course via the .

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Program structure

Depending on the discipline chosen, Master of Arts students may choose one of the following pathways or options:

  • six courses of study comprising four units of coursework and four units of supervised dissertation work (20,000 words). The dissertation component must be completed over two consecutive semesters.

  • six courses of study comprising four units of coursework and four units of supervised advanced project work that could include work-integrated learning, professional placement, documented exhibition, performance or studio practice. The project component must be completed over two consecutive semesters.

  • eight courses of study comprising eight units of discipline specific (only Editing and Publishing and English Literature) or interdisciplinary coursework

  • seven courses of study comprising six units of coursework, with either a disciplinary or interdisciplinary selection of courses, and two units of:

  1. supervised dissertation (10,000 words) or

  2. exegesis of 10,000 words on an exhibition, performance, studio practice, professional placement or work-integrated learning experience or advanced project

  3. advanced project of work integrated learning, professional placement, documented exhibition, performance or studio practice.

The program can be undertaken full-time in one academic year, or part-time over two years. Part-time enrolment will normally be coursework in year one, and dissertation and/or project work in year two, depending on the pathway chosen.

Please refer to the Recommended Enrolment patterns for further details on offerings from each discipline.

Please note: students must choose either the Dissertation OR Project pathway for Masters enrolment across the degree program. Students will not be able to change from dissertation to project courses within this Masters program. Major studies/specialisations

Semester 3

No courses will be offered in Semester 3 and students will not be able to commence the Masters program in Semester 3.

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Program completion requirements

Students are required to complete 8 credit points within a consistent pattern as described within the Program Structure.

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Required time limits

Students have a maximum of 4 years to complete this program.

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Core courses

Core courses are essential to developing the skills required to conduct scholarly activity and independent research at Masters level. All students in the School of Humanities and Communication (except those taking the Editing and Publishing major) must enrol in:

  • HMT4005

Students taking the research pathway with four units of supervised dissertation must enrol in:

  • MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A

  • MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B

For students in the School of Creative Arts enrolled in the disciplines of Applied Media, Creative Media, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts the following courses are core courses:

  • .

All Creative Arts Masters students will be expected to audit HMT4005 as part of their MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A or courses.

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Major studies

A Major Study is a group of courses having six units in value within the program, and is designed to provide students with:

  • specialised knowledge in selected areas of a particular discipline

  • the opportunity to develop research and/or practical skills in a particular discipline.

Major studies at Masters level are available in Anthropology, Applied Media, Communication and Media Studies, Corporate Communication, Creative Media, Editing and Publishing, English Literature, History, Interdisciplinary, International Relations, Journalism, Music, Social Sciences, Theatre and Visual Arts. Note that not all majors can be completed in one calendar year.

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The Coursework component of the Master of Arts degree program constitutes at least 4 discipline specific units of study. For details, consult the recommended enrolment patterns.

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Intending Master of Arts students should contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts before enrolling in the program to ensure that appropriate supervision is available for the proposed dissertation topic and other projects. As the research and advanced project pathways available within the Master of Arts degree constitute 4 of the 8 credit points required for successful completion of the program, it is essential that students have developed a project plan which is able to be effectively supervised and resourced.

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Practical experience

In some Master of Arts areas it may be appropriate that practical, professional or vocational experience is recognised as a criterion for admission. Such experience may also form the basis of special project work, which might also be based upon Work Integrated Learning.

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IT requirements

Access to high-level computers is essential for students taking this program. For up-to-date advice on computing requirements, please see .

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Exit points

Students who have completed 4 approved units of postgraduate study in the Master of Arts program may exit with the award of a Postgraduate Certificate in Arts.

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Credit may be granted on the basis of equivalent courses undertaken at postgraduate level, or may be credited as electives towards the Master of Arts. In order for credit to be granted, the claim must meet the following requirements:

  • the course passed was taken at least at postgraduate or equivalent level

  • the course was passed within five years prior to the application (courses up to 10 years old may be considered)

  • the course passed is equivalent in objectives, content and weightings to a course prescribed in the Master of Arts degree, or alternatively, the course is suitable as an elective

  • the maximum number of units which may be credited in the Master of Arts program is four

  • credit approved in this program will not automatically apply to other programs offered by the USQ.

Note: Where credit is granted, maximum and minimum duration will be adjusted in the same proportion as the credit, for example, where the maximum of 50 per cent credit is granted, maximum and minimum duration will be reduced by one-half.

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Course transfers

Students should contact the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts for advice.

Recommended enrolment patterns

In this section:

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Anthropology recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,11,1,2
ANT4002 11
*12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: BAHN or MSTA
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2

*This course is equivalent to two units.

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Applied Media recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*#1,11,1,2


     *#1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or equivalent.
MMS8000 New Media Theory and Practice11
12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2


     *1211,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed .
MMS8001 Advanced Media Industry Business Skills1,22

*This course is equivalent to two units
#Students will audit HMT4005

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Communication and Media Studies recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Coursework and 4 unit research pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21, 2
CMS4001 Issues in Professional Communication12
CMS4006 OzFilm Image and Industry11
ENL4001 1212
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1,221,21,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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Communication and Media Studies recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Coursework and 2 unit research pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
CMS4001 Issues in Professional Communication12
CWR4001 Advanced Creative Writing1111
CMS4006 OzFilm Image and Industry11
ENL4001 1212
*1211Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

*This course is equivalent to two units.

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Corporate Communication recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Coursework

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
PRL5004 Professional Communication12
PRL8003 Strategic Communication Planning21
PRL8007 Community Participation21

This course is offered in even-numbered years only.

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Corporate Communication enrolment pattern - 2. Coursework and 4 unit research pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1,221,21,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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Creative Media recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
S11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*#1,211,21,2


     *#1,211,21,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or equivalent.
VIS4000 Studio Workshop11
12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1,221,21,2


     *1,221,21,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed .
CMS4006 OzFilm Image and Industry11

*This course is equivalent to two units
#Students will audit HMT4005 which is equivalent to two units.
Must have Creative Media relevance.

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Editing and Publishing recommended enrolment patterns (designed for part-time over two years) 1. Coursework and extended project

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

Select one of the following two courses:

     HMT4005 2121
*2221, 2Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

*This course is equivalent to two units.

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Editing and Publishing recommended enrolment patterns (designed for part-time over two years) 2. Coursework

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
22Pre-requisite: and

Select one of the following two courses:

     HMT4005 2121

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English Literature recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Coursework and 4 unit research pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2
ENL4001 121
ENL4012 12
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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English Literature recommended enrolment pattern - 2. Coursework and 2 unit research pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if THE4001 has been previously completed.
Elective chosen from courses offered in Master of Arts
ENL4001 1212
ENL4012 12
2222Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

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English Literature recommended enrolment pattern - 3. Coursework

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if THE4001 has been previously completed.
CWR4001 Advanced Creative Writing1111
ENL4001 1212
ENL4012 12
Elective chosen from courses offered in MSTA
CMS4006 OzFilm Image and Industry11

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History recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Research Pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2
HIS8004 1111
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4001 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4002 has been previously completed.
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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History recommended enrolment pattern - 2. Coursework and 2 unit Research Pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
12 12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4001 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4002 has been previously completed.
HIS8004 1111
HMT4005 1111
*1212Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

Choose any TWO of the following courses:

     ENL4001 12 12
     ENL4012 1212
     111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MBSI or MSTA or BAHN or GCBU or GDBZ. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4010 has been previously completed.
     INR4011 1212
     SOC8001 Islam and the West11
     1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if THE4001 has been previously completed.

*This course is equivalent to two units

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Interdisciplinary recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

A selection of courses within the Master of Arts or other suitable courses (up to two) from non-Law postgraduate programs may be made with the approval of the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts. Two pathways are available: 8 units of coursework, or 6 units of coursework and 2 of exegesis, dissertation or project. ANT4002 and ANT4001 cannot normally be included in the interdisciplinary pathway.

Students would usually only take these courses below once they have undertaken at least one semester of study of the MA, unless advised otherwise by the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements

The following courses may also be taken by students in the interdisciplinary major:

     22Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.
     11Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or be enrolled in DPHD program
     22Pre-requisite: Students must have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or be enrolled in DPHD program

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International Relations recommended enrolment pattern - 1. Coursework and 4 units of Research

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MBSI or MSTA or BAHN or GCBU or GDBZ. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4010 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4001 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MSTA or BAHN. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4011 has been previously completed.
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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International Relations recommended enrolment pattern - 2. coursework and 2 unit dissertation or project

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
22Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4002 has been previously completed.
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MBSI or MSTA or BAHN or GCBU or GDBZ. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4010 has been previously completed.

Choose ONE of the following three courses:


     SOC8001 Islam and the West11


1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if HIS4001 has been previously completed.
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MSTA or BAHN. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4011 has been previously completed.
*1212Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

*This course is equivalent to two units.

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Journalism recommended pattern - Coursework and advanced project pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
Graduate level course in a single academic discipline or combined field of study#11
JRN4001 Analytical and Opinion Writing12
Graduate level course in a single academic discipline or combined field of study#12
Optional work placement 1,23
JRN4004 Specialised Reporting21
21Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or MBSI or MSTA or BAHN or GCBU or GDBZ. Enrolment is not permitted in if INR4010 has been previously completed.
2222Pre-requisite: 4 units of completed Postgraduate Study and minimum GPA 5, or approval of Examiner.

#This course provides the foundation for an area of specialised journalism. It should correspond to a journalism round (or “beat”).
Students not concurrently employed as journalists are urged to undertake work placement (one or more internships) between first and second year. Students should aim to gain a placement in their specialised subject area in the national or international media. USQ will provide insurance coverage for the placements, but the organisation of a placement is the student’s responsibility. Placements are not part of the formal assessment in the major.

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Music recommended enrolment pattern - Coursework and Research or Performance Project pathway

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2


     *#1111,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or equivalent.
MUI4000 Structural Analysis in Music11

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2


     *1211,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed .
12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA
MUI4001 Advanced Musicianship12

*This course is equivalent to two units
#Students will audit HMT4005

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Social Sciences recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
HMT4005 1111
MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2
SOC8000 Identity, Self and Society12
SOC8001 Islam and the West11
ENL4001 1212
MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2

*This course is equivalent to two units

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Theatre recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*1,211,21,2


     *#1111,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or equivalent.
1111Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BAHN or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if THE4001 has been previously completed.
12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2


     *1211,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed .
1212Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MARA or BCAH or MSTA. Enrolment is not permitted in if THE4002 has been previously completed.

*This course is equivalent to two units
#Students will audit HMT4005

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Visual Arts recommended enrolment pattern

Students are able to enrol in any offered mode of a course (on-campus, external or online), regardless of the program mode of study they enrolled in.

CourseYear of program and semester
in which course is normally studied
Enrolment requirements
11Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8001 Masters Dissertation A*#1,211,21,2


     *#1,211,21,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed HMT4005 or BCA8002 or or equivalent.
VIS4000 Studio Workshop11
12Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA

Choose ONE of the following two courses:

     MAR8002 Masters Dissertation B*1211,2


     *1,221,21,2Pre-requisite: Students must be enrolled in one of the following Programs: MSTA or MARA and have successfully completed .
VIS4002 Visual Aesthetics12

*This course is equivalent to two units
#Students will audit HMT4005