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Student athlete empowerment project

With the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games fast approaching, the School of Health and Medical Sciences' high-performance sport initiative is focused on supporting student athletes across the region. Our dedicated staff are committed to shaping the next generation of champions through diverse education and research programs.

What's 'Eat 2 Win'?

Eat 2 Win is a nutrition education research program designed to help student-athletes understand how proper nutrition and hydration can boost their health and performance. The program includes three interactive nutrition workshops, access to online nutrition modules, and hands-on cooking classroom activities, that teach the essentials of sports nutrition. Students learn how to fuel their body for training and competition, unpack the Athlete's Plate, and discover game-day nutrition and hydration strategies. Led by UniSQ sports nutrition experts, this program will empower students to feel confident in the kitchen, with easy to prepare nutritious meals that will keep them performing at their best.

Module 1: Winning Nutrition
Module 2: Fuelling Performance
Module 3: Hydrate to Dominate
Practical: Inside the Athlete’s Kitchen

'Eat 2 Win' research

Our previous research highlights that student-athletes, especially those from regional and rural areas, often have limited nutrition knowledge and hold several misconceptions. This highlights the importance of providing integrated nutrition education led by qualified professionals, which can greatly enhance their understanding and practices around nutrition. The Eat 2 Win research aims to measure changes in student-athletes’ nutrition knowledge before and after targeted nutrition education, while also evaluating how well the educational components are received by the students.

Contact details

If you would like to receive further information regarding ‘Eat 2 Win’ please contact:

Dr Andrea Fuller
Email: andrea.fuller@unisq.edu.au  
Telephone: +61 7 3812 6280

Professor Stephen Bird
Email: stephen.bird@unisq.edu.au  
Telephone: +61 7 3812 6340

"The Eat 2 Win program offers student-athletes a unique educational opportunity to actively explore the critical role of nutrition in supporting their health and performance. A key component of the program is learning practical cooking skills, empowering students to feel confident in the kitchen."
– Professor Stephen Bird –

Three people in a kitchen preparing a meal. Two individuals in aprons handle utensils and an assortment of vegetables, while a third person observes and smiles. Cooking pots and bowls are on the counter.

'Protect 2 Win'

‘Protect 2 Win’ is a neck strength and concussion education program designed to help student-athletes reduce their risk of concussive events. The program focuses on targeted neck strength training and concussion education, equipping athletes with practical tools to enhance neck stability and manage concussion risks. Led by UniSQ strength and conditioning experts, the program aims to provide student-athletes with the training and knowledge to support their performance and safety on the field.

"Increased isometric neck strength has been associated with decreased head acceleration during impacts, highlighting the potential of neck training in reducing concussion risk." (Daly et al., 2021)

Part 1: Neck Strong

The first part of the program focuses on enhancing neck strength and stability to reduce the potential for concussions. Athletes will participate in a tailored, evidence-based neck strengthening program, including:

  1. Initial Testing: Comprehensive neck strength assessments to evaluate isometric strength and head stabilisation.
  2. Training Plan: A 6-week neck strengthening regimen, designed to improve neck stability.
  3. Coach-Led Supervision: UniSQ will educate school strength coaches to ensure proper technique and maximise the program’s benefits.

Part 2: Neck Smart

The second part of the program provides athletes with neck strength and concussion education through interactive online modules, including:

  • Module 1. Heads Up Concussion Awareness: Athletes learn to recognise the signs and symptoms of concussions and follow proper recovery protocols.
  • Module 2. Neck Strength and Concussion Prevention: Discover the role neck strength plays in reducing concussion risks in contact sports.
  • Module 3. Training Technique: Sport-specific tutorials on safe training techniques, such as tackling in rugby and heading in soccer.

‘Protect 2 Win’ Research

Research suggests that strengthening neck muscles may reduce the severity of head injuries by stabilising the head during impact. The ‘Protect 2 Win’ program is based on studies showing that athletes with stronger necks experience fewer and less severe concussions. This research component focuses on measuring the impact of neck strength training on concussion risk, evaluating how neck strength development influences injury prevention, and assessing student-athletes' knowledge of concussion risks.

"The Protect 2 Win program offers student-athletes a comprehensive approach to reducing their risk of concussions, blending evidence-based neck strength training with essential concussion education. By focusing on both physical resilience and knowledge, we aim to empower young athletes to take proactive steps toward their neck safety and performance." – Dr. Chris Gaviglio, UniSQ –

Contact details

If you would like to receive further information regarding ‘Protect 2 Win’ please contact:

Dr Chris Gaviglio
Email: chris.gaviglio@unisq.edu.au
Telephone: +61 7 3812 6280

Professor Stephen Bird
Email: stephen.bird@unisq.edu.au
Telephone: +61 7 3812 6340

Disclaimer: While Protect 2 Win focuses on neck strength training and concussion education, it is important to note that no training program can fully prevent concussions or eliminate all risks of head injury. The goal of this program is to reduce risk factors and improve awareness, but external factors such as the nature of contact sports and individual circumstances can still result in concussions. Athletes and coaches should always follow safety protocols and consult medical professionals when dealing with concussive symptoms or head injuries.

Person in a white shirt stands in a gym setting with exercise equipment in the background.

Enhancing student-athletes’ movement skills with AI

This project aims to create a low-cost, objective, and automated system for screening the movements of pre-elite student-athletes using artificial intelligence (AI) and markerless motion capture technologies. It is particularly relevant for athlete talent identification and injury prevention programs leading up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games, and it has broader applications in sports science, rehabilitation, and biomechanics. The system will enhance student-athlete movement skills by facilitating the development of tailored intervention strategies based on individual movement patterns. Mastering proper movement skills is essential for student-athletes. As Kobe Bryant famously said, "I NEVER GET BORED WITH THE BASICS."

Contact details.
If you would like to receive further information, please contact:

Patricio Pincheira
Email: patricio.pincheira@unisq.edu.au

Dr Ben Hoffman
Email: ben.hoffman@unisq.edu.au